"I have come here to chew bubblegum and post old memes...and I'm all out of bubblegum."
— karl Report User
Second-best curved bent 4 comments
· 45 weeks ago
Totally agree with you but not solving the problem.
Second-best curved bent 4 comments
· 45 weeks ago
And what about when those who call themselves Christians are the wicked people in power?
Some people like their privacy public 2 comments
Just Sverige things 2 comments
Tfw forklift certified 3 comments
Wholesome Substance 5 comments
· 46 weeks ago
I will admit there are situations that require violating a person's bodily autonomy, such as when someone requires medical treatment but is unable to consent.
The argument about childbirth I find a dishonest straw man argument since no one ever would try to kill the child during labour, the whole premise for that is to keep the child alive.
The argument about childbirth I find a dishonest straw man argument since no one ever would try to kill the child during labour, the whole premise for that is to keep the child alive.
You have no farm. You have no cattle. Ywnbac 5 comments
· 46 weeks ago
Yeah, I usually end those arguments by proclaiming that anything done with a tool is artificial and fake, and the only true art is literally scraped tooth and nail from the bare rock.
Wholesome Substance 5 comments
· 46 weeks ago
Merriam Webster defines fascism as
"a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"
"a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control"
I fail to see how absolute bodily autonomy for the individual can fit anywhere in that.
Edited 46 weeks ago
"a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"
"a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control"
I fail to see how absolute bodily autonomy for the individual can fit anywhere in that.
You sure? 1 comments
You have no farm. You have no cattle. Ywnbac 5 comments
· 46 weeks ago
I keep having this discussion with crafters claiming using computers when crafting is cheating, but a $7.000 lathe and dedicated workshop isn't.
I think I found what they meant with “eat a bag of d*cks” 1 comments
· 46 weeks ago
For context;
AfD is Alternative für Deutschland, a right-wing extremist group that's basically as Nazi as any group dares to openly be in Germany. They're known for their EU scepticism, homophobia, transphobia, anti semitism, pro life stance and very punchable faces.
AfD is Alternative für Deutschland, a right-wing extremist group that's basically as Nazi as any group dares to openly be in Germany. They're known for their EU scepticism, homophobia, transphobia, anti semitism, pro life stance and very punchable faces.
Buy Dexter something to make him look fearless..... This is what my daughter came up with 3 comments
True story 3 comments
I grew a pineapple ???? 1 comments
Incomprehensible lonely tan 1 comments
· 46 weeks ago
To think I spent all those hours learning the difference between woman and women, just so I could interact with native English speakers, only to see them do shit like this ..
Scandalized blue-collar irritate 2 comments
Remember, Free Thinkers "Can Always Tell" 2 comments
· 46 weeks ago
Yes, the American school system, known for it's ability to teach children things like "how an eclipse works" and "the earth is round", can really brainwash kids into anything.
Good news, everyone! 3 comments
That's No Moon 3 comments
· 46 weeks ago
This seriously makes me wonder about the scale of other gifts Terry has brought.
Edited 46 weeks ago
The look of abject terror on this cat's face 3 comments
Sounds like someone didn't learn the pronoun song 10 comments
· 47 weeks ago
I'm not being disingenuous. I'm literally quoting the Oxford dictionary.
What you're describing is very much having a feeling. You may refer to your feeling as a fact but that doesn't change anything.
The word pronoun does not have an LGBTQI connotation, except for in your mind, it is simply the word for how language gender people. The reason you think so is because the conservative right has weaponized the word by twisting it's connotation to mean "something gay and probably a paedophile".
What you're describing is very much having a feeling. You may refer to your feeling as a fact but that doesn't change anything.
The word pronoun does not have an LGBTQI connotation, except for in your mind, it is simply the word for how language gender people. The reason you think so is because the conservative right has weaponized the word by twisting it's connotation to mean "something gay and probably a paedophile".