"I have come here to chew bubblegum and post old memes...and I'm all out of bubblegum."
— karl Report User
The difference decades of progress can make 1 comments
· 48 weeks ago
On the left is the Colby WalkMac, a modified Macintosh (later Apple), built 1987-91. It predates apple's first laptop by several years.
Do it 1 comments
· 48 weeks ago
I mean, if he can do it without spending two years complaining on live television that people are mean to him then sure.
The oldest commissioned warship in the world, HMS Victory 1 comments
· 48 weeks ago
She's in Portsmouth harbour, right next to the ferry to the Isle of Wight. She's beautiful.
Snowy City in Sweden 7 comments
· 48 weeks ago
The average temperature in Kiruna is -15 but more commonly it's -20 with the occasional -30 but I hear the skiing is great.
Took a picture of Brooklyn Bridge [OC] 7 comments
Anecdote ~ "morning therapy" 2 comments
Nice little tongue in cheek slogan you guys got there. Good thing no one will take it 1 comments
· 49 weeks ago
Buy the new CPAC album now with hits like "You're Next: The Rise of the Democrat Gulag", "We are going to end Democracy" and "No really, we're the good guys. Why do you ask?".
Darn Wamen, They Took Muh Pelvis 2 comments
Yesterday in Kansas City. 3 comments
This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 5 comments
· 49 weeks ago
Florida banned drag shows last year, but when I'm looking it up now it seems the supreme court blocked it for being unconstitutional. So it's probably okay to watch this image on Florida atm.
This image is illegal in Florida, Alabama, Ohio and Russia 4 comments
· 50 weeks ago
Absolutely correct and well fact checked. I had a picture of Putin in drag lined up but picked the wrong one to post.