PSA 81 comments
· 7 years ago
But it's also helping bring awareness to the issue. It's talks about the signs of someone who is suicial and it also handles other serious issues like rape and drunk driving and owning up to things you've done wrong. It also shows how devastated the people around the suicide are like the parents when they found her and how the hurt has been passed along people. But No they probably shouldn't have shown the suicide to be fair but I think the concept and the main messages were there in the show
Clever japanese math 20 comments
F8 of the Furious 6 comments
Mandela effect 13 comments
· 8 years ago
I dunno why but I always thought the movie "Remember Sunday" was called "Remembering sunday" but apparently it's not
Is this just me or the Mandela effect at it again?
Is this just me or the Mandela effect at it again?
gotcha girl 5 comments
· 8 years ago
This won't work in Australia because every phone number has to start with 04
Facts that sound like bullshit 21 comments
Pulse rings 17 comments
· 8 years ago
What if you're wearing it and you suddenly feel it stop simulating their pulse
He didn't wear that for Taylor. 12 comments
guess we've been using these wrong, ladies 13 comments
Not all celeb couples are f*ck tard idiots 14 comments
breh 13 comments