I would post stuff, but everything I want to post comes from here. Oh well, comments are enough for me.
— kamatsu Report User
Dean Takahashi is back to embarrass himself again 4 comments
· 5 years ago
"I didn't notice the massive indicators that I levelled up in Mass Effect and never put my skill points anywhere, so it's the game's fault I was underpowered"
Really? 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I just can't get past the idea of what the input lag would be like with a game that you're running on a server somewhere.
Edited 5 years ago
Now more relevant than ever in USA 19 comments
This sounds like a win, win, win situation 8 comments
· 5 years ago
It's weird to see stuff about tipping when you've never been anywhere that actually expects tipping instead of giving a reasonable wage to waitstaff.
Lets show support for those who respect and care about us as consumers 5 comments
· 5 years ago
While I do intend to buy it, I would feel remiss if I didn't point out that CD Projekt Red actually started out as a piracy group back when Poland was communist, before legally localising games into Polish and finally convincing BioWare to let them use the Neverwinter Nights engine for their own game, based on a famous Polish fantasy hero.
Yeets stressfully 21 comments
· 5 years ago
I think it's that venom has to be put into you by the creature injecting it, most often by fangs or stinger. Poison covers pretty much every other case, whether it's contact poison, poison in certain organs, some sort of expulsion, or whatever else you can think of.
Yeets stressfully 21 comments
· 5 years ago
The rings on the octopus being so blue means it's pretty pissed off, if I remember my native fauna correctly.
Dark humor 4 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm also pretty sure plasma was less energy efficient, which where I live would be something of a sticking point since our electricity costs are horrifically high.
Obsolete strange Wolf 5 comments
Uh bout that bukake tho 4 comments
· 5 years ago
"I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!"
Everyone needs to cooperate to keep button layouts consistent 3 comments
· 5 years ago
PS4 controller on PC. Does it register Dinput, the PS4 controller itself, or do I have to use Steam or DS4Windows to disguise it as an Xbox controller? And if it doesn't need the wrapper, will it still use Xbox prompts anyway? Or just recognise it as a "generic gamepad" and have the listings as button 1 through 16 or so?
Your insurance bill is due 19 comments
· 5 years ago
That depends. Can you move the wheelchair by yourself if it's not electric? At two years old, this question may not be suitable, but at an age where an able-bodied person would be able to wheel themself about, I'd say that an electric wheelchair would be a necessity for someone without the physical capability to move under their own power.
Respawn saves the day 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Is this going to be the first good Star Wars game since 2006? And the first I'd like since 2005? (06 was Empire at War. I suck at strategy games.)
Jojo memes are delicious 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Might have happened quicker if you weren't waiting in the stopped time, DIO.
Matt 31 comments
Llamas with hats! 9 comments
I don't speak poor 3 comments
· 5 years ago
I didn't think the world would become that social media episode of Black Mirror quite so soon.
Adult Friendships are hard 3 comments
The only Japanese dictionary you'll need 4 comments
"You now have a stomach ache because you ate too much."