I would post stuff, but everything I want to post comes from here. Oh well, comments are enough for me.
— kamatsu Report User
The only Japanese dictionary you'll need 4 comments
· 5 years ago
I mean, it's pronounced more like "shin-eh" and more accurately means "die."
Choose your fighter 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Absolutely, that 100% phys. def. shield will see him through any hardship if he has the stamina to take the blows.
Thought you'd all like this 5 comments
· 5 years ago
I really struggled first time playing Dark Souls 1 because I tried to go down that path first. But at least that got me the Zweihander.
To everyone with a broken heart or broken trust relationship 16 comments
· 5 years ago
It's Japanese, directly translates to "golden repair," and is more commonly known as kintsugi, or "golden joinery."
I don't need them all 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Doing it with pair of flimsy 3D glasses was actually more difficult than the cricket ball.
Oh no, bro 33 comments
Extra likes pls from the weebs who know this movie 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I think that the Japanese title is actually Ame to Yuki, which translates to Ame and Yuki, the names if the children. Ame no Yuki either says that the sister belongs to the brother, or translates to something like "Rain's Snow."
Sorry for the nitpick, it's just that I adore this movie.
Sorry for the nitpick, it's just that I adore this movie.
They saved an entire species. Good boyes 7 comments
When you have an actual government 24 comments
· 5 years ago
A point about the gun thing and how a lot of people think of this as an issue: gun culture in Australia and NZ is incredibly different to what it seems like it is in America from here. Basically, we mostly don't know or care about guns unless we're either farmers, part of a shooting club, the police, or the military. Those groups tend to not want anything more than needed for their uses, such as a shotgun or rifle for pests or a pistol for police work, which they'd much prefer to never have to unholster. We don't really see a lack of semi-automatic assault weapons as a loss of liberty, since almost nobody we'd want to have one wants to have one, and those that do are either military or the part of the police that's closest to that.
*please note that I am basing this off of my own personal, non-military-or-police family experiences as an Australian who has only ever seen or fired one gun, at a shooting range with Venturers.
*please note that I am basing this off of my own personal, non-military-or-police family experiences as an Australian who has only ever seen or fired one gun, at a shooting range with Venturers.
I'd vote for this 6 comments
· 5 years ago
If it allowed those that might otherwise not have the opportunity to have any modicum of control over who runs their country for those four years, I'd happily work an extra day for three of them.
A true utopian society 1 comments
Hmm I wouldn't know, Tess 5 comments
And dubbed, trust me. See you Space Cowboy 17 comments
· 6 years ago
It's probably the only anime I know where the director prefers the English dub to the Japanese one.
Nine nine!!! 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Various types of plastic packaging, like that around a DVD box or a pair of scissors.
Doom 2016 41 comments
This mask from a fashion show in Paris 9 comments
This is too true 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Apparently I still live in 2009. Then again, the keyboard is probably almost that old...