

I would post stuff, but everything I want to post comes from here. Oh well, comments are enough for me.

— kamatsu Report User
Road Trains trucking through Western Australia.. Or are they boating? 12 comments
kamatsu · 6 years ago
Yes, road trains. Like the large trucks you often see on freeways, but almost unbelievably longer. Since our train networks only really go near the coasts it's often quicker and more efficient to just drive stuff straight through the middle of the country, especially considering all the towns that are just in the middle of nowhere. Since they carry a relatively train-sized load of cargo of a type that trains often carry, and follow fairly similar routes fairly regularly, but in fact use the roads, they are called road trains.
Love 15 comments
kamatsu · 6 years ago
Because it's Australia.
Giggles uncontrollably 3 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
What's anal ternative?
Fahrenheit vs celcius 11 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
But in any calculations related to temperature they would have used Celsius, or even Kelvin, which is just like Celsius except that instead of the freezing point of water, 0 Kelvin is the freezing point of the universe and physics as we know them.
Disabled girl proves herself 36 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
Yeah, I got a pretty mediocre final grade thanks to screwing up some stuff around exams, but because I did really well in the STAT that I took the weekend after exams finished, so I still ended up getting into my first preference engineering degree. Now I just need to not screw up with exams again...
Disabled girl proves herself 36 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
Because of my dysgraphia I generally try to take notes on my laptop, which is annoying when I have to write equations or draw diagrams, or when there's only about 11% of the battery remaining just after the lecture starts.
Disabled girl proves herself 36 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
ATAR? Generally the Australian school system isn't filled with so many terrible people, though I may be biased due to my dad being a teacher.
Oh the hairmanity 2 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
Is that you, Sweet JP?
Pride 6 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
What if he overslept because he was exhausted from training, Debra? What if he also took forever to get to sleep because he was worried about representing his generation and his country (which I assume includes you) on an international stage, Debra?
You can do it! 15 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
I'd be happy to have Positive Possum as our Prime Minister, though, and I doubt they'll have issues regarding dual citizenship.
Quality Memes in a Grushell 16 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
Orchid Chlorophyll.
How can anyone prefer this system? 32 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
More like having a week and a month, but not fortnight. Besides, since the measurements are all the same scale with a different factor of ten, rather than a foot being 12 inches for example, you can say either half a metre or 50 cm for the in-between, and tens of centimetres are probably used pretty comparatively to feet. But not called decimetres because that's just unnecessarily complicated.
Also, centimetres kind of are the in-between; SI units tend to get prefixes every third factor of ten, e.g. millilitre, litre, kilolitre.
Livin in a gangsta paradise 30 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
The one I know had the second three lines as:
Lost a wheel
And the Joker got away
How can anyone prefer this system? 32 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
Literally nobody uses them, but yes. Also, centimetres are relatively rarely used profesionally; scientists use metres with the correct notation (10^x) to get the distance they need, and people like carpenters and mechanics will use millimetres to get the precision they need without having to worry about decimal places (and probably for other reasons too).
Also, a foot is 30.48 cm.
How can anyone prefer this system? 32 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
One and a half metres is 1.5 metres or 150 cm, .15 km, or 1500 mm though...
American names 14 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
Mike Truk.
Absorbing efficient black Walrus 8 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
It was 12:00 somewhere in the world. Maybe even 11:30.
Good guy 5 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
L plates only apply to learner drivers, it has nothing to do with what kind of gearbox you use and if you're learning stick with a license there is no law that you need to use them.
What is this horse thing all about 10 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
You want to know what one horsepower is equivalent to? Approximately 1.5 ponies, of course.
Constructive criticism 6 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
It's also just a bad game, and it costs money to make a second save ($10, I think?).
Special kind of hell 4 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
What game is this?
Awesome WIFI names 2 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
What I don't understand is why KiltedKraut isn't circled.
Goat head tilt 3 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
Good ol' SHAFT head tilts.
Plants, love, and butter 14 comments
kamatsu · 7 years ago
There are some plants that the cultivation of should be illegal, though. Stuff like Gympie-Gympie, an Australian plant which seems to exist only to bring pain.