It's fall and winter at the same time 12 comments
· 11 years ago
or, as some like to call it; wall
The moon landing was a lie 11 comments
· 11 years ago
no this is different, photoshpo is photoshops annoying little sister that tries to do the exact same thing as you.
Kid is smarter than the teacher 35 comments
· 11 years ago
I feel like soon maybe the internet will be posting screenshots of funubstance comments all over the internet. Not saying we're stupid like the screenshots you see of tumblr but seriously, most of you guys are so clever and really funny :)
Harry, ron and hermione combined 65 comments
Shit 13 comments
· 11 years ago
When I was in kindergarden, I was too the only one who could write some words or sentences. So this guy who was a year older asked me if I could write his wishlist on a paper. I thought it was a pain to write all that stuff so even though I really liked that guy, I just drew a bunch of squiggles and dots and cirkles and stuff, telling him, that I had in fact written down eveeything he said. He gave that thing to his parents, wonder what must've gone through their heads when their son handed them his wishlist consisting of no actual words.
This joke 9 comments
· 11 years ago
now i get it, not thanks to you though. just took me a minute or so of staring at it. and sorry i didn't get it at first, i don't have tumblr so i didn't make the connection of those message icons.
Mean parents and tumblr 23 comments
· 11 years ago
I never have wifi at night because the fucking connection doesn't reach my room ;_;
It's so unfortunate when this happens 8 comments
· 11 years ago
I ate these as a kid once, thought for sure they were sugar pills and then I got very disapointed.
After watching a disney movie marathon 10 comments
Lays - Balloon company 6 comments
Said no man ever 30 comments
· 11 years ago
But if you have a nice colour that goes well with the outfit, it can really give an impression of style and taking time, caring about your appearance. Which I would totally value in a girl.