Probably the solution to every problem 3 comments
School stuff 9 comments
It's A Magical Unicorn 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm a unicorn. Like seriously, I'm feel like a unicorn trapped in a human body. I'm transpecies.
Books 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I swear, if I said feel one more type in that sentence, I could have virtually molested you guys. Sorry. O.O
Books 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't know. For me is the feel of the book and the pages, it feels special. You don't get that type of feeling from a phone or tablet.
Fly like an eagle to the sea 4 comments
Just kiss me 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I think they look cute. You're probably just imagining kissing a crab and so it weirds you out but if you just earse that image, it is a type of art.
Idk, it's my opinion. *blushes and hides in corner*
Idk, it's my opinion. *blushes and hides in corner*
Your whole life is not a lie, my friend 8 comments
He looks so tired 13 comments
· 9 years ago
I like him too.
I don't get all the hate, guessing it's just preference.
I don't get all the hate, guessing it's just preference.
uhm yes, I insist 3 comments
· 9 years ago
I did this to my boyfriend but with my German Shepherd. She almost bit his thumb off while they were play fighting °·°
Dinner and a Show 5 comments
I'm Sorry, What? 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Me: *nods head* "Um, yes?"
Person: *hands me ten kilos of marijuana and runs away into the night*
Person: *hands me ten kilos of marijuana and runs away into the night*
He looks so tired 13 comments
Small kitty, medium kitty, large kitty 10 comments
Pureblood slytherin hermione 14 comments
It's been heaven the last few days 21 comments