Keanu with the best comeback 2 comments
· 5 years ago
I mean, we don't know what decade the reporter was talking about. And it's not like Reeves was doing much in 2006 or 2011.
What is this world, even 5 comments
· 5 years ago
1. Once a tree has grown tall and its roots are deep in the ground it can stay alive by tapping into underground sources of water that are too deep for grasses, shrubs, or bushes to access.
2. However, keeping a sapling alive until it has grown tall and its roots are deep in the ground takes more water than these countries can really spare. So more often than not these young trees die shortly after being planted and this sets back the Great Green Wall.
2. However, keeping a sapling alive until it has grown tall and its roots are deep in the ground takes more water than these countries can really spare. So more often than not these young trees die shortly after being planted and this sets back the Great Green Wall.
Ferdinand Waldo Demara 3 comments
· 5 years ago
I mean, when you say he "impersonated a cancer researcher", what exactly does that mean? Because I can tell someone I'm a cancer researcher if they ask. I'm not calling myself the master of disguise, though.
Every October 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Every Halloween: Trick or treating, a big bowl of chili, and this movie. Hell yeah.
Have a great life 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Grave of the Fireflies is a Studio Ghibli movie. It's about children dying in the aftermath of World War 2.
For sale 54 comments
· 5 years ago
Hey, you're 25. Your white privilege card kept you alive longer than Trayvon Martin. Never say it didn't do anything for you.
I wish 14 comments
· 5 years ago
No online anonymity. Your real name and a photo of your face are required for every online account you want to make.
It's so easy and fun! Try it! 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Unlock Luigi by entering the 3 numbers on the back too!
Edited 5 years ago
The black plague is here 2 comments
That would make too much sense 10 comments
· 5 years ago
It's a part of the school system. It's designed to prepare kids for their daily societal routines. And for a lot of those kids, that's going to be working a crappy 9-to-5 job where compliance to the boss's wishes are more important than being an individual. It's a part of being a member of society.
Zombie threat assessment 5 comments
· 5 years ago
You just ate a decomposing body. Enjoy the host of new bacteria you just introduced to your meat suit.
Here's how the kidney looks with its parenchyma removed! 15 comments
· 5 years ago
Nope nope nope nope. Keep those blood vessels under a smooth membrane, please.
Spider-man 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Guys, there's going to be a third tom holland spiderman movie. Sony owns the character, they made Spider-verse. They know what they're doing now.
Three types of players 2 comments
Because Thor is God!! 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Downey Jr. and Evans both wanted to be done with their characters; they chose to leave, not the studios. They could have made Iron Man and Captain America movies forever if the actors wanted to. But they didn't.
Mose everybody 3 comments
· 5 years ago
He was only a writer/producer for the office, not a creator. But the other three shows are so good, we'll give him credit anyways.