Unlikely song combination actually sounds really good 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Yes... introduce people to oneboredjeu's mashups and watch their free time vanish down the youtube rabbit hole... good... good...
The future is beautiful 18 comments
Cant we all just let respect each others belief 16 comments
· 7 years ago
As Patton Oswald once said, you do not have to respect everyone's beliefs. You need to acknowledge them.
A series of unfortunate events 16 comments
· 7 years ago
My wife's college roommate tried to open a bottle of wine with a steak knife and stabbed herself in the tit. Today she (the roommate) jokes that she "thanks god for her double ds, because if she had a's i'd be dead right now".
I wonder if she ever found her blue scissors 5 comments
Leave the internet and come play with me 6 comments
When they were young 32 comments
When they were young 32 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm so disappointed Meryl Streep isn't on this list. Have you seen her when she was young? She was a total fox.
Be rich 13 comments
· 7 years ago
I remember reading somewhere that when Mark Zuckerberg was in college his goal was to have a job that would let him wear flip flops every day. So he succeeded in that.
I've been watching you 5 comments
Can't wait. Sometime in this year will happen 13 comments
· 7 years ago
But... we can't, right? Light can't escape a black hole, and a photo involves the interactions of light on the film or the memory... so wouldn't it just be the darkest thing imaginable? A patch of literal darkness?
Beautiful castle on island in Ireland 2 comments
When my boss asks me to work on a saturday 3 comments
Dogo & doggerino do a HECKIN ((DOUBLE BORKAGE)) 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Small pupper did big doggo a frighten, so doggo borked loudly. this did the pupper a frighten, so it also borked. This does a frighten to the big doggo, who borks, and the cycle never ends.
Feminism in a nutshell 24 comments
· 7 years ago
That's terrible logic. By the same token, if your car gets stolen, you shouldn't feel bad or complain, because there are people in the world who get hit by cars and die. You should be grateful your car-related incident didn't kill you!
Henk, get the kaas! 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Those are actually Nazis riding into the Netherlands on bikes. So, German Army again.