...I Should Never Have Left The Shire.... 8 comments
· 11 years ago
I heard somewhere that the next season starts Jan. 1st, does anyone know if this is true??
New method of diagnosing cancer 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Where are you getting this information? There may have been inspiration but I highly doubt that the exact same method was in use before.
New method of diagnosing cancer 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Basically, cells with any of these three kinds of cancer overproduce a chemical called mesothelin. This is called a biomarker, and if it is found in large quantities, can be a reliable sign that the patient has one of these three kinds of cancer. What Jack did is coat a piece if paper with human-specific antiobodes that react with the mesothelin. He also coated the paper with single walled nanotubes, a type of structure made of carbon atoms, making the paper conductive. When the mesothelin in the patient's blood comes into contact with the antibodes, they absord the chemical and swell, spreading the nanotubes apart, and therefore creating a charge. If the charge is high enough, this tells the doctor that the patient'a blood mesothelin content is too high, and is a sign of either pancreatic, ovarian, or lung cancer. Hope this helped!!
Edited 11 years ago
Basically, cells with any of these three kinds of cancer overproduce a chemical called mesothelin. This is called a biomarker, and if it is found in large quantities, can be a reliable sign that the patient has one of these three kinds of cancer. What Jack did is coat a piece if paper with human-specific antiobodes that react with the mesothelin. He also coated the paper with single walled nanotubes, a type of structure made of carbon atoms, making the paper conductive. When the mesothelin in the patient's blood comes into contact with the antibodes, they absord the chemical and swell, spreading the nanotubes apart, and therefore creating a charge. If the charge is high enough, this tells the doctor that the patient'a blood mesothelin content is too high, and is a sign of either pancreatic, ovarian, or lung cancer. Hope this helped!!
New method of diagnosing cancer 9 comments
· 11 years ago
These facts are correct. His method can, in fact, diagnose cancer, but only pancreatic, lung, and ovarian. Even then, its only able to detect these cancers at the very early stages, and becomes useless afterwards. Though this is not as great as it sounds in the post, I have no intention of diminishing the importance of this invention and the pure awesomeness of the kid that invented it.
Edited 11 years ago
My first post,just made my account yesterday 29 comments
· 11 years ago
Welcome supernatural!! How ya liking Funsubstance so far?
Also, I'm pretty surprised no ones had tha username until now...
Also, I'm pretty surprised no ones had tha username until now...
Love these comics 7 comments
How to base jump 3 comments
· 11 years ago
This was a fantastic movie, I highly recommend it. "Flight of the Frenchies"
13 feet of f*ck you 9 comments
· 11 years ago
the guy who made this statue also has another work of Pope John Paul II getting struck by a meteor...
Build you own powered model aircraft 18 comments
When my ex tries to add me on facebook 3 comments
· 11 years ago
A kid in my english class made a statement, and the teacher asked him what his evidence was. The kid replied that he didn't have any, and the teacher told him he couldn't do that. Then, under his breath as he turned around, grumbled "Unless you work with Fox25, of course..." Greatest moment of my school career.
The shithouse poet returns 4 comments
· 11 years ago
Whoa this same guy with this same handwriting wrote this same poem in the latrines at my camp...