What's your favorite show? Mine is Gravity falls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 41 comments
· 9 years ago
currently the 100
Try to describe FS. 23 comments
They call it art 24 comments
Well, they're just as annoying as the bell 23 comments
They call it art 24 comments
· 9 years ago
just going to point out that there are banksy pieces that have sold for millions of pounds
Phrasing 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I can do complex derivatives and integrals and such in my head but I can't figure out what 8*6 is without a calculator... This is my daily struggle as an engineering student
Edited 9 years ago
The flood doesn't dismiss you, I do 6 comments
· 9 years ago
My chem lecture hall flooded a few weeks back but it was as we were leaving the class so it didn't affect anything. But my tutorial that was an hour later in the same place got cancelled
Edited 9 years ago
Every meal 9 comments
· 9 years ago
every damn time i ate at my ex's house, dated them for over 7 months and never got used to it
You don't say? 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes there is.. For example you really don't need to get a flu shot unless you have a weakened immune system but you should definitely get vacinated for things like polio and measles
A message from Ron Swanson to anyone worried about the snow 6 comments
· 9 years ago
As a Canadian I agree with smitty. But also enjoy the snow if you don't get it often
I just skied for the first time for my birthday. Very fun! 27 comments
· 9 years ago
It's probably because a lot of skiers resent beginner snowboarders who slid down hills on their edges and scrap the snow off the ice and then they lump all snow boarders into that category. Also that guy is probably just an asshole..
I just skied for the first time for my birthday. Very fun! 27 comments
· 9 years ago
also they teach the pizza/snowplough thing first because beginners tend to bomb down the hill with out turning to control speed and it allows you to learn how to use use the edges to control your speed which is important to know if ypu want to get good at skiing
Lotus temple, new delhi 7 comments
Equality amirite? 39 comments
Equality amirite? 39 comments
· 9 years ago
http://acureforbrainwork.tumblr.com/post/55915224842/cosmic-kleptomaniac-dismantlethefeminism I'm just gonna leave this here