Abnormal doesn't mean worse 56 comments
· 10 years ago
Not all trans people want a genocide of all cis people... I as a trans person don't want it and i follow plenty of trans people on tumblr that dont want that
Abnormal doesn't mean worse 56 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes a person does choose to wear a dress or get a sex change even though he is fully aware that he is male but is because he so strongly that he is really supposed to be a girl and doesn't want to be male and in many cases cant live properly as male. Its like being born left handed but for some explainable reason you know you are supposed to be right handed so you practice writing with your right hand but your writing with your right hand is never quite as good as the writing with the left hand but but it feel way more correct to write with your right hand rather than your left hand so you always write with your right hand instead of your left.
Abnormal doesn't mean worse 56 comments
· 10 years ago
Guest I know you wont see this but gender disphoria is not FUN nor genetic. It is not FUN to be unable to look at your body in the mirror because it feels so wrong. It is not FUN to feel like you were born in the wrong body. It is not FUN to feel put down or like you aren't a valid person every time someone misgenders you. It is not FUN when someone makes a joke at the expense of your validity as a person. So maybe we get "butthurt" too easily but it is for good reason, it is because we are protecting who we are and trying to stop remarks that are transphobic or hateful towards transgender* people. Thank you
Abnormal doesn't mean worse 56 comments
R e s p e c t 6 comments
how to remove sharpie 18 comments
Ron Swanson of bacon 5 comments
Home Depot 5 comments
I am the most symmetrical view you have ever seen, b*tch. 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I want one of those! How cool would it be to program a friends tv or something with out their knowledge in to the remote and then walk in one day and turn on their tv with a sonic screwdriver
apologetic advertising done right 4 comments
Let the college notes war begin 22 comments