Because everything is possible 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Also FIFA gets all the money made by the world cup not the country
Firebenders 13 comments
· 10 years ago
I realized the other day that the second last episode where they go see the play about their adventures is exactly what happened with the movie
One of my favorite moments in Sherlock... 23 comments
Burning talent for headline puns 4 comments
Rebels 1 comments
And this one seems phonetastic 8 comments
That settles it 45 comments
The greatest love story of our time 5 comments
I don't have any puns for this post. Sorry. 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Having to make religious puns must be a heavy cross to bear. Am I rite?
No child left behind 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Sciences and maths are just as creative and awesome as arts and P.E. without them we wouldn't be as advanced as we are. We need school and we need all subjects to be available because a) not everyone is good at the same thing and b) diversity is what drives society forward. Also it is impossible to learn something without shifting your view and learning is way better than not learning.
2 galaxies smushing=a hipsters birth 6 comments
Good going mom. 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I just wanted to inform you that it's offensive to most transgender people to called a tranny... So please unless you know someone is ok with it don't call someone a tranny. Also if it was a person that transitioned to being male they would be a transgender man. I just wanted you to know.
Theyre Right 26 comments
· 10 years ago
I've seen one being built and then a couple of years later I saw it being renovated