Think about it for a second...and lose that last piece of childhood forever. 27 comments
· 9 years ago
Field work fails 2 6 comments
You have to want it 7 comments
· 9 years ago
His acting is excellent in this movie but the movie itself isn't that good... He should get an Oscar for it though
Finals week 1 comments
Can The Flash do that? 28 comments
Awesome theory in comments!!!! 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Even better though is the Russian roulette scene from Gotham.
And that's the reason why I drink so much 2 comments
· 9 years ago
did you know jagermeister isn't meant to be drunk to get you drunk but it's supposed to be a hangover cure..
Engineering lecturers be like 5 comments
Sometimes math hurts 7 comments
· 9 years ago
the fact that that I can define a set as containing 0,1,2 and then being able to say that 2*2=1 and being correct... what is math even
what if 16 comments
· 9 years ago
True. You'd need a ridiculous amount of people though...
Edited 9 years ago
what if 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Ya'll are talking about paradox's and shit (I'm all for a good paradox believe me) but what about the physics... A ship floats because it mostly contains a substance that is less dense than water, air. To make a ship sink with out breaching the hull you need to replace most of the air with something more dense than water, in this case time travelers. You'd need a shit ton of people to take up the space and even if say you filled up the boat with as many people as physically it'd probably just cause the boat to sit lower in the water rather than actually sinking it.
Math teacher xmas greetings 15 comments
· 9 years ago
yeah it's usually 'ln' cause log e is a natural logarithm and thats what ln is
My kind of game 59 comments
Force field against Canadians 4 comments
My friend is scarred from Fanfics and she won't stop telling me about them 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I was bored once so i looked up doctor who slash fiction and that was a mistake
Flipping a coin isn't actually 50/50 7 comments
Happened yesterday 12 comments