14 tips that could save your life 75 comments
· 9 years ago
ehehehe I had no choice and i'm not sorry
14 tips that could save your life 75 comments
Absolute bullshit 10 comments
14 tips that could save your life 75 comments
· 9 years ago
Though not swerving can be just as dangerous cause if it's big or a moose (moose are common where I live) the main part of its body can be at the right height to go through the windshield and you're screwed if that happens. But I agree it's better not to swerve
Taxes 34 comments
· 9 years ago
Maybe they are trying to earn those luxuries? Maybe they are trying to get back on their feet and are a recovering addict? Having welfare can give them a foundation to stand on.
Taxes 34 comments
· 9 years ago
So you'd rather save some money and let some person (and possibly their family) starve because they have a habit that is extremely hard to kick (and that person might be trying their hardest to stop or they slipped up for the first time in months). Nice.
What is it made of? 8 comments
· 9 years ago
though the first arch survived the atomic bomb because it was painted white and because of that absorbed less radiation than objects surrounding it. Afterwards they found that things that were white in colour were less damaged
I'll throw this here just in case. 30 comments
I'll throw this here just in case. 30 comments
spaghetti 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm white and from the north (canada) and I'd put my most of my food against anything. Being white has nothing to do with it
Main difference between dogs and cats 21 comments
I mean, that's what I'd do. 2 comments
For those of you attending graduation ceremonies 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Does nicki minaj count as a philosopher? A kid quoted her and said she was a philosopher.
Ehhh, I think my automail is broken 17 comments
"The Mad King" sat on this throne for 21 years 10 comments
· 9 years ago
No they're not there was a war and the dude that won it was like "collect all of my enemies swords" and then had them forged in to the iron throne. I don't quite remember the semantics of this but that's how the iron throne came to be.
Main difference between dogs and cats 21 comments