DC vs Marvel: Similar Characters 36 comments
· 10 years ago
Isn't it Wade and Slade?
France is ready for war 28 comments
France is ready for war 28 comments
· 10 years ago
"you're mother was a hamster and your're father smelled of elderberries!"
Well that was disturbing 11 comments
Just why 7 comments
· 10 years ago
that's the point, this character (Tobias) pretty much always says things in such a way that it insinuates that he might be gay but he never realizes it... This is from Arrested Development and you should watch this show, it's hilarious.
Level 5 Vegan 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Being vegan or vegetarian is not necessarily better for your health... Human beings are omnivores by nature and need a diet of plants and animals based on thousands of years of evolution. If you suddenly remove a part of the diet that has been part of our diet for many years is not good because there are metabolic systems in place that are meant to produce chemicals and thing that help the human body stay alive and healthy. Sorry if I didn't explain this properly but that's my two cents on this issue
Every time I go to the dentist 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I once broke my 2 front teeth and had to sit in a dentist chair for 2 hours and in that period of time I somewhat learned how to talk with out moving my mouth and having 4+ things in my mouth
It can be done, America 25 comments
· 10 years ago
But solar panels will pay them selves off in 10-30 years because now a days they can produce enough energy to power a house and still have extra energy which can be sold back to power companies. Where as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan won't.
Infinite Bounce 8 comments
· 10 years ago
No it would no,t unless it was some sort of magic ball that does not lose any energy when it compresses and stretches.....
The 90's kid card these days 23 comments
· 10 years ago
I do but I also have some older devices cause in some regards they are more dependable. For example I listen to music from an old iPod nano because the battery lasts me a whole week rather than 3/4ths of a day..
The 90's kid card these days 23 comments
The 90's kid card these days 23 comments
This is going to be really confusing 7 comments
· 10 years ago
To me look like Canadian ones.. I might be wrong but they seem to look like the ones I always see military people wearing on the bus...
What Things Should Be Called 12 comments
Hello? Harris loan? 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I was watching a street performer and someone's phone started ring and the performer dude was like "how dare they interrupt my magic tricks!, Let me answer the phone" so the guy gives the performer his phone and he answers it and does this to the person calling and I think it was beautiful
Binge watching 8 comments
· 10 years ago
not really....that show should have been cancelled after the first season..
Some people don't know what's good 8 comments