Maybe the barista asked for his number 10 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
If you like espresso the iced macchiatos are awesome.
Anti vegans are heroes 13 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
Cows as well as all of the other animals we eat are MASS PRODUCED because people are willing to pay for them! Yes there would still be cows if people didn't farm them but there wouldn't be enough to have the horrific effects on our planet that they do now. Factory farming is as bad for the earth as it is cruel.
Australian Bank Turns ATMs Into Colorful ‘GAYTMs’ To Support LGBT Parade 30 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
I feel like there's a story behind this sign 8 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
Though the word "molest" can be something sexual the other definition for it in the dictionary is to: "Annoy, disturb, or persecute especially with hostile intent or injurious effect." ( Which is probably what the maker of the sign meant. :b
50 years from now 29 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
*Illegally And I don't believe in kicking people out who are here to improve their lives and be productive members of society. I think a big part of why the US is so defensive about people crossing the border is because of the onslaught of drug cartel members who came here. As for equality how do you know we won't be? Just because we're not there yet doesn't mean it's impossible. And it's people like you, who sit around pissing and moaning about how impossible it is, that are part of the problem. I went to high school with an undocumented girl who graduated my freshmen year. Since then she has been working her ass off to change immigration laws while attending full time at Penn State. She organizes rallies and sit-ins, she gives speeches, she contacts representatives. She risks deportation everyday because she openly admits her illegal status. And if change never happens at least she can say she tried, at least she can say she said something, rather than sitting around whining about it
"Swiggity swooty, I'm coming for tha--AAHH!! CRAP!" 6 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
Fawns have very flexible hips. :b
Weighing tiny birds 8 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
I don't think the bird is harmed by this.
Amazing Fire Pit 14 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
Brilliant Finnish idea 21 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
I don't think a bear would be hanging around a busy road. And they could easily lose the trail in the dark
Sochi: "There's a wolf in my hall" 17 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
His head is drooping so he can inhale the scents on the ground because he's investigating and he's probably panting because he's excited or nervous.
Shuddup and eat your gays! 27 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
Pedophilia= Harmful to the child. Incest= Harmful to the offspring that can result from it. Homosexual Marriage= Harmful to nobody except the hetero people who CHOOSE TO FIXATE ON THE LIVES OF OTHER PEOPLE.
jessylynn · 11 years ago
The title is what made this funny for me lol.
Sad but true 6 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
I think it's funny when people try to defend "swag". It's a clothing style, people. Calm the f*ck down and stop taking it so damn seriously.
Brilliant Finnish idea 21 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
The antlers don't light up unless bright light shines on them since it's reflective spray not glow in the dark. So if they were being hunted in a dark forest they wouldn't be any more visible than usual. And since most predators big enough to kill a reindeer (bear, wolves, possibly mountain lion though I'm not entirely sure they live in that region) hunt at dusk and night time the reindeer aren't in any more danger than before.
Education must change 8 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
You have a very good point zombiestitcher. There really is no way to make everyone happy. But there are some things that I think would help the majority:
1) More interactive hands-on learning
2) Removal of certain portions of curriculum that have no use at all. (There are things taught in high school that are not even used in college, much less real life.)
3) Less multiple choice testing, more short answer.
Now I know that last one sounds dreadful, I don't like it either, but students are being taught how to take a test more than the material. If a majority of questions were short answer then students would have to learn the material rather than rely on guessing. These are just my ideas, I'm no authority in education though.
50 years from now 29 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
"Equality is an illusion." I take it that you're a white guy then. It's real easy to not give a shit about the rights of others when you're on the top of the ladder. Or maybe you're just a total cynic, who knows. And I have a faithful Christian roommate who supports gay marriage. The way she explained it was that she couldn't judge other people because they sinned differently than her and that all sins are equal in the eyes of God. She may not exactly understand homosexuality but she doesn't feel like it's her place to judge them or with hold their rights. One last thing, it's accept not except.
50 years from now 29 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
So your argument is that since they cannot produce children they can't get married? So people born infertile shouldn't be able to marry either, right? Also several species show cases of same-sex pairing.
50 years from now 29 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
...fulfill first. But I will make my opinion known, and vote every chance I get. And I will no longer timidly disagree with people screaming in my face about the Bible. Sometimes you have to be a little mean. Yes I believe that you are bigots in this area of your lives. I don't think that you're bad people but you are, in my opinion, being very unfair to people just like you because of something they cannot control.
50 years from now 29 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
Of course you have the right to fight for what you believe in, that is one of the great things about America. But nobody I've met from your side has been pulling punches either. I've had gay friends who are called all kinds of foul slurs for having the audacity to want to be treated like equal human beings. I've heard stories about homosexual couples who could not see their partner in their dying moments because they weren't "legally family" and so the hospital would not let them into their room. I'm not fighting you for spite, I'm not doing it to try to hurt your relationship with God, in fact, it makes me sad that it does make some people question their beliefs because having something like that to believe in is comforting. But I cannot just keep my mouth shut completely. Not while this gross injustice continues, not while human beings are treated like second class citizens. I may not be out there gathering signatures and giving speeches, I can't, I have obligations to my family to f
There's no sport in killing a lion like this 56 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
I agree that killing that lion was fucked up but I don't see how the post makes the point. I mean all it say is that it is wrong, and then it quotes those researchers who say that it is cowardly to kill a lion. But it never says why they think that...
Tfw skyrim modding 11 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
If you go to a national/state park it is. Mingus Mountain AZ looks almost exactly like this in the spring except Mingus has flowers everywhere.
A crazy little thing called love 5 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
I never get tired of this pic, so cute! <3
Stuart Little is that you? 8 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
This post makes me miss my rat, my university only allows fish and turtles. :b
He's so ashamed 4 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
My black lab faces the wall when she gets in trouble. It's like she is putting herself in time out. XP
Control 37 comments
jessylynn · 11 years ago
I know Democrats who agree with this. It's just common sense.