Unh .. just do it 10 comments
· 3 years ago
I while heartedly encourage you to do so and will cheer you on, I don't want to hear complaining and crying of how the world is unfair and doesn't enable your unrealistic dreams
Fact #42069 of the day 3 comments
· 3 years ago
"JUST LEAVE EACH OTHER ALONE, ASSHOLES!" - jaharien shouts to the world daily
Love yourself, damnit! 3 comments
· 3 years ago
Imma keep it real with you chief, you really don't want to see me radicalized.
War crimes *ticks list* 6 comments
Speaking of fringe minorities, damned lies, and statistics 14 comments
· 3 years ago
It would be more interesting if they isolated data based on region. I'd hazard the guess most people against the protest are city dwellers. And the majority against the mandates are primarily rural. Just a guess.
Home safety I dunno I'm European, we used pitchforks .. 4 comments
· 3 years ago
I think you told him personal defense, if you asked him about home defense he would automatically tell you to grab a shotgun
But I'm no expert. 11 comments
· 3 years ago
They went against the big government/big pharma plans to end the pandemic, they had to be silenced for our safety, we shouldn't question these things, because they obviously care about us and couldn't have any alternative motives.
Check the comments 11 comments
It's 'Cause o' Those Vaccines 14 comments
· 3 years ago
Just two weeks to stop the spread of authoritarianism, just comply and this will all go away.
No Need To Be Alarmed 1 comments
It's a lot right now. 7 comments
· 3 years ago
No pressure, no diamonds. Embrace the suck. Become something it learns to fear.
Slug throwers to combat religious extremists 1 comments
Uhhhhhhhhh 16 comments
· 3 years ago
I'm no expert, but isn't it standard practice to just blow it up? If so, sporting good outlets usually sell pint size containers of black powder
Remarkable work 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Awesome, those who know when to harvest, and when to grow and let thrive deserve statues
More like @GoFraudMe 18 comments
· 3 years ago
Guest_ can simply himself, what I got out of it is BLM is rooted in Marxist ideology, so they can still receive donations, but a few Nazis and racists are found in a convoy that numbers in the thousands and from all walks of life, can't receive donations, from GoFundMe anyways. Guest_ if I missed the mark I apologize.
More like @GoFraudMe 18 comments
· 3 years ago
Let me make something clear, property damage is always a bad thing, not matter the mob. But the sheer scale of arson, vandalism, looting and property damage BLM accomplished during the 2020 summer of love on a completely different league compared to this convoy. The tone is more than a little different too, my understanding is one statue was vandalized, the the protesters have posted a constant gaurd to cease further vandalism. And the media coverage? Again, I dislike crime, but one is very clearly more destructive and sets a far more violent tone don't you think?
Just saying .. 9 comments
· 3 years ago
Well, anything is possible on paper. Solar and wind have become more efficient, but not in the leaps and bounds we would need to see. We would need to see a new tech breakthrough in energy storage (batteries) before this can become anything more than posturing to look good. Nuclear isn't an obvious answer to this problem by the way. But if we want to do something that is actually good and see tangible results that don't end up in a dump in 20 years, we are going to have to get serious about nuclear. Solar and wind are just not at that level yet, and reality is it may never be. But so long as it's propped up by media and government interests, you mostly get fed BS and people eat it up.
Just saying .. 9 comments
· 3 years ago
We are all going to die anyways, do you actually want to have a conversation or are we just here taking pot shots at each other? *Lights cigar*
Just saying .. 9 comments
· 3 years ago
Well, just like I dislike all the powerful interests in big oil, there are way too many hands, particularly in big government, that wants to shoe horn in anything 'green'. The lifespan of windmills and solar panels aren't what they need to be. The materials used to make them take fossil fuels to mine and don't easily recycle. And truly it's a shame because in the electrical field we were hyped about this tech for a while, because we could finally compete with the oil industry. But all the hype was bunk and couldn't produce a 1/10th of the output promised. Personally I think those who REALLY looks into green energy for more than hip or trendy reasons usually conclude nuclear is the future. And the main opposition usually get their sources from the tv show Chernobyl.
But if parents don't want their children involved in identity politics while they are trying to have kids graduate their grade at the reading level they should be at, that's their right.
If you think kids need to know about gender identity and their parents don't agree, you, not them, may go to hell sir. Because they aren't your damn kids.