I like sandwiches! Bitches should make me fucking sandwiches! Btw, I'm a girl so don't mistake me for a sexist guy, I just really fucking like sandwhiches
— iwantasandwhich Report User
Kids these days... 27 comments
· 11 years ago
I hate kids from this generation -_-
Abandoned mysteries 26 comments
Respecting feels 75 comments
Title of post 6 comments
· 11 years ago
That show is NOT terrible. It's one of the funniest shows out there along with Friends! Get out!
What Miley looked like at the VMA's 12 comments
· 11 years ago
I heard she apparently was on Ecstasy during the VMA's. idk if its true or not, but with how she acted and looked, I have a feeling it's true..
Ahh, ignorance. 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Technically even if she talks to someone from Mexico, she is talking to an American because Mexico is a part of Central America which last time I checked was part of The Americas unless I misread my history book? The US is a part of the Americas. Not the whole America. South, Central and North together make The Americas. It's not just about The US. I don't understand why when a person refers to the US they call it America, or if talking about US citizens they call them Americans....Why do they still consider south and central a part of The Americas is aparently just the US is American? I know this comment will get down voted and personally I couldn't care less. I'm just stating facts here, and asking some pretty logical questions....
Just Tumblr 3 comments
I am not a morning person 6 comments
"love is just around the corner" 7 comments
I can finally use the computer 5 comments
Good Girl Emma 15 comments
Bad an*logies 17 comments
· 11 years ago
This picture says the opposite.
I hate pokemon 8 comments
· 11 years ago
The beginning of anything is usually boring because its doing nothing but setting the stage and getting you ready for the good stuff! The first 20 minutes of Pokemom is boring, I won't deny it, but I swear to you it gets better and I'm in love with this game! If you actually gave it a chance without giving up on it too quick, I guarantee that you will actually like it
Edited 11 years ago
Child stars who didn't give in to the destructive side of fame 23 comments
· 11 years ago
(Continuation) predictable with Amanda, but regardless, all of them need help. People like Brittany Spears and Drew Barrymore are proof that it does get better for these child stars....
Child stars who didn't give in to the destructive side of fame 23 comments
· 11 years ago
I think we should all question Amanda Bynes a lot more than those two! Amanda is one of those people who you would just not expect that to happen. What went wrong? She started acting professionally at age 7 but seemed like she'd never fall into the kid actor curse. From her great success in the Amanda Show and All That, to many great films like What A Girl Wants, She's The Man, Hair Spray, Easy A and let's not forget her show, What I Like About You. She was so successful and won many awards! But then he retired acting for a little bit and came back, but when she came back, she came back as another person.....It was like a switch that all of a sudden turned on and she got schizophrenia, which is a mental disorder that makes it hard to tell the difference between what is real and not…With Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus, you can kind of see this come a mile away as they got older. But they are not as bad as both Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes. It was just much much less
And then your face scrunches up, and ice falls everywhere 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Which is one of the reasons I don't like ice on my drinks....Plus without ice you get more of you're drink
I'm kicking myself for not posting this sooner. 28 comments
I'm gonna pop some tags 8 comments
I hate pokemon 8 comments
Bill cosby on a feeling all mothers know 5 comments
I'm not saying it was aliens but 16 comments
Great parking job 8 comments