I like sandwiches! Bitches should make me fucking sandwiches! Btw, I'm a girl so don't mistake me for a sexist guy, I just really fucking like sandwhiches
— iwantasandwhich Report User
The New American 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Yes because it's all Obamas fault for why everything bad happens. No the rest of the people have nothing to do with it. It's all just him. Lets just blame one person for everything. Because that makes perfect sense -_-
What I would do to have this 13 comments
The answer to the answer of life 16 comments
Anything but French 12 comments
People who have casual s*x 12 comments
What is normal....There is no such thing 6 comments
Facts and Stuff 30 comments
· 11 years ago
I wanna punch that supermarket owner in the face! That's fucked up! His selfish ways caused 300 lives! :O
Vans, minion style 11 comments
· 11 years ago
It's not like its impossible, and even if they did, that would mean that person is talented for pulling off something so cool! They could make a lot of money selling those
Edited 11 years ago
Gamer's life 8 comments
Not for the faint hearted 17 comments
· 11 years ago
You think the ones you mentioned are dangerous? Wait till you go to Australia and see many more species of even more dangerous spiders....
Society's guide to a better life 15 comments
I don't want a sandwich 16 comments
When I try to avoid meat 6 comments
· 11 years ago
My phase lasted like 10 minutes. I was I was eating a chicken when my sister showed me a video of animals being abused and how they slaughtered them and shit at McDonald's and KFC and other places, and then I threw out what I was eating because I was crying and really upset from what I saw. But then I thought "I'm sorry animals, I love you and all, but you're just too delicious!" And so I served myself some more chicken.....I just....I love meat and I can't live without it as much as I love animals.....
Edited 11 years ago
Behind the scenes at a famous photoshoot 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Since Ashton Kutcher is playing him in his new movie, he should cut his hair so it looks more like Steve jobs or even just wear a wig lol
Jeniffer Lawrence's hair 10 comments