


— Simplicity Report User
"Hey look, I stole your heart" 34 comments
itsleed · 9 years ago
I dissected sheep hearts in class a few weeks ago
"Here, Timmy, santa gives you... OH F*CK THEYRE EVERYWHERE" 22 comments
itsleed · 9 years ago
Okay first of all. If you are using that as snow prints, its most likely snowy outside, therefore, ants probably won't be anywhere near you anytime soon. Its winter. And please take this coming from a Canadian perspective.
Is It Just Me? 34 comments
itsleed · 9 years ago
Someone said it.
This is called a wall of death, most heavy metal concerts have them 32 comments
itsleed · 9 years ago
I once went to this concert and the pre-show was a dj and instead of a wall of death, he had all the floor seated people do a "wall of happiness" and they all had to run towards each other and instead of fighting, they would give high-fives and say nice compliments. It was one of the best things I've ever seen.
Oh murica 32 comments
itsleed · 9 years ago
As me being Canadian, I remember the day I learned about the costs of childbirth in the US. I remember how surprised I was. Think about it this way: You are paying for your children.
Artwork completely made of emojis 6 comments
itsleed · 9 years ago
may someone please explain what the green and red thing in the bottom right corner is?
Thoose comments 60 comments
itsleed · 9 years ago
Okay lemme clear up some stuff. 1: Girls usually wear makeup for themselves so they feel beautiful, not for others. 2: Never EVER tell a girl she wears too much makeup. I know from experience and it hits harder than you'd ever think. and 3: Don't judge a girl by how much makeup she wears. She could be a really fantastic girl with a great personality, but instead of you getting to know her, you don't talk to her because of her amount of makeup.
Cat simulator 8 comments
itsleed · 9 years ago
Coming from a person who has played non-stop hours of this, I approve.
What does bae mean? 15 comments
itsleed · 9 years ago
pretty sure its an acronym for Before Anyone Else in the urban translation
youths! 5 comments
itsleed · 9 years ago
D-Did you just...
Motivation for the day 7 comments
itsleed · 9 years ago
Most of you probably know, but ill say it anyways. It may look like a simple red circle, but when really, it represents the rising sun. Quite boring though
10/10 wood bangs 4 comments
itsleed · 10 years ago
that is the most clever title anyone could ever write
It's the best 16 comments
itsleed · 10 years ago
Poutine > Everything
I couldn't remember her name 11 comments
itsleed · 10 years ago
it works
It's better to have condoms than to not have condoms, right? 24 comments
itsleed · 10 years ago
1. Sex
2. Sex
3. Sex
4. Babies
5. Sex
before it was cool 22 comments
itsleed · 10 years ago
Wait when did this become a thing?
This made me so self-aware and I hate it 19 comments
itsleed · 10 years ago
The only way something would not be touching you is if you jumped in the air naked. For that split second, nothing would be touching you
Putin and his puppy 27 comments
itsleed · 10 years ago
Well I could see why hes an asshole to many people considering hes trying to take over a country that didn't do anything to harm them...
True Love 8 comments
itsleed · 10 years ago
This is me walking to school every day in Canada
A place to think 23 comments
itsleed · 10 years ago
A place to nope the fuck out of
sorry teacher i set my homework on fire by *accident* 13 comments
itsleed · 10 years ago
School of rock 10 years Reunion 4 comments
itsleed · 10 years ago
That. Was. Amazing.
You should try Android 6 comments
itsleed · 10 years ago
it was part of a social experiment. She did that on purpose to see what the guy would do.
Catholic school 10 comments
itsleed · 10 years ago
At my catholic school there is a 666 locker but no joke there is tape over the number, the lock is backwards, and the tape on the number is slightly scratched along with the locker itself. Its a scary piece of shit and my locker used to be a few lockers away from it.