Did you cheat in high school? 11 comments
· 8 years ago
You had a really shitty teacher then ngl
Example of a good religious joke 5 comments
I really wish stupid hurt 28 comments
· 8 years ago
The whole dairy system is extremely cruel, violent, and anything but humane. No they don't kill the cows, they just keep them locked inside forever and separate them from their babies at birth. That being said, the post is still funny.
How americans feel about every state 75 comments
· 8 years ago
This is pretty biased though because the most people live in texas, new york, and california. Those are the largest/most well known states as well so of course when picking something they're gonna go off what they know and not pick a random state.
yaaay 4 comments
· 8 years ago
There was an article linking enjoying dank memes and being depressed. . . js
The Bandits of Iowa 34 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually the best is to not take any uppers including coffee and get a lot of sleep beforehand so you're completely clear headed in case something goes wrong. You also have to completely separate yourself emotionally in case something goes wrong so that you don't freak out and make a mistake.
A better way to dispose of a body would be cutting it up and feeding it to pigs, they'd devour it in a matter of minutes, bones, clothes and all
A better way to dispose of a body would be cutting it up and feeding it to pigs, they'd devour it in a matter of minutes, bones, clothes and all
Starting to feel myself older and older 39 comments
I 'coded' a heart on Google, Happy Valentine's Day everyone! 14 comments
· 9 years ago
This beats in the rhythm of the music I'm listening to and it's so satisfying
The crater of this volcano in Iceland froze 3 comments
How to love Chemistry more with this Periodic Table Battleship 3 comments
· 9 years ago
We played this in my chemistry class but instead of just naming the elements, we had to figure out their electron configurations. It took a long time!
Puppies: The ultimate weakness 4 comments
My psychology teacher said they can't think at all? 27 comments
· 9 years ago
Similar to animals, or some autistic people, deaf and blind people (most likely) think in touch, taste, or emotions. They think by association of things they already know. Their minds probably don't function at as high a level of consciousnesses as a typical person unless they are taught language/a form of communication, as in the case of Helen Keller.