Noah's ark makes sense now 13 comments
· 11 years ago
If Noah had help from The Lord or if he was a skilled craftsman, he could have made a wooden boat with interlocking sections which would prevent bending of the wood.
This is the worst... 32 comments
· 11 years ago
I can't listen to a certain song because it was played at my 10 month-old cousin's funeral...
You thought it was a mistake, didn't you? 19 comments
· 11 years ago
The Olympic colors are just representing that every single nation's flag partaking in the Olympics has at least one of those colors.
What guys look for in girls 48 comments
To people who's against Christians 44 comments
· 11 years ago
Balonyman, you can oppress, because justluvari is totally wrong. It says in the bible that man was made from dust and that homosexuality is wrong. So justluvari, please, don't call yourself a Christian.
To people who's against Christians 44 comments
· 11 years ago
I know that evolution is just the adaptations of animals to their environment, but that could have only happened in certain aspects. There is no such thing as a day in heaven. There is no time in heaven, so it did mean 7 days on earth, not millions of years.
Elevator games 12 comments
To people who's against Christians 44 comments
· 11 years ago
Yes, but it says that God made man from dust. That means humans could not have evolved from another species.
To people who's against Christians 44 comments
· 11 years ago
Ummm, I don't care how many down votes this gets, but according to the Christians' holy book (The Bible) evolution couldn't have happened.
The resemblance is uncanny... 13 comments
The resemblance is uncanny... 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Wait, I seriously want an answer, has season 3 of Sherlock aired in America yet?
It's funny cause he was a dwarf 8 comments
Feminism hits a new low: birth rape 14 comments
I want this so bad 10 comments
The other guy who died with Paul Walker 36 comments
· 11 years ago
Rodger does deserve to be remembered and recognized, but I might add he was driving irresponsibly. This doesn't mean he killed Paul Walker, or that he shouldn't be mourned over.