

Time to kick ass and drink coffee.

— Interesting Report User
This represents Brazil more than soccer and samba 4 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
Love the people, love the food--not a fan of the insane crime rate.
Play with me! 3 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
@mialinay thoughts?
Play with me! 3 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
Other then the dragon ball z tattoo on her forearm, I'm not really a fan of the other pieces... they're all very cookie cutter and look like she pulled them off instagram. Get whatever tattoos or art pieces you want, but I would want people to put thought into them first. Maybe I'm being overly critical.
Bait mate 35 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
And please note I'm saying this with all good intentions and respect. You and I have debated some hot topics before without any issues, I think the perceived tone in your last comment just came across as less than stellar.
Bait mate 35 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
1. My point went over your head.
2. Not according to all the data and reports published by their government. 3. If you have data or reports also published that contradict this please cite. I pulled my info directly from .gov data and stats published by the Australian government and rape is rape, forcefully grabbing someone's privates is forcefully grabbing someone's privates--kind of insane I have to even add clarification to this. Also, telling me to "try harder" comes across as more condescending and becomes self-defeating. I would recommend you provide actual counter points and try to back them up with data in the future.
Bait mate 35 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
I'm getting really tired of the US bashing. Especially when most of these countries have their own problems. Australia being used as the example in this post, the Australian government published in 2018 that 18.00% of women countrywide have experienced rape or sexual assault. Current forecasts based on 2019 data collected so far project this number to be close to 24.00% by the end of 2019. Literally a quarter of the women in Australia are experiencing rape or sexual assault but keep talking about the US by all means. Stop criticizing my house when yours is burning down around you.
Germany 2019 42 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
Ah, good deal. I'm sitting here like... good god I never said anything like that, lol.
Germany 2019 42 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
Wait what just happened? I completely disagree with @guest_ but I never called him anything like that.
To the one uploaded the "best" multiplayer map. I beg to disagree 7 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
Unreal Tournament 2004
Germany 2019 42 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
Yeah with respect there's a difference between a Goofy costume and someone wearing a leather gimp outfit. I think it's a bit insane that I even have to clarify the distinction.
Germany 2019 42 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
I wasnt criticizing the people at the event necessarily, their parents definitely deserve blame for taking their children to an event like that.***edited for grammar
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Germany 2019 42 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
Yeah we're going to have to agree to disagree. You're not going to convince me that this is appropriate for children or that it teaches anything productive. I have no problem with gay rights or gay pride or with people being who they are--this represents none of that.
Germany 2019 42 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
Yeah but there's a line on what's appropriate for their age. Walking a bunch of gimps in leather with their genitals bulging out doesnt seem appropriate for the same reason you dont take minors to strip clubs.
Wholesome trio 9 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
Not really, I pay more attention to his charity work and youth outreach programs.***edited for spelling
· Edited 5 years ago
Es war schön, das ist alles 14 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
Considering even doing something resembling a Nazi salute can get you jail time and/or massive fines in Germany I doubt this was malicious and agree with @condor1990. This was most likely just stupidity/an accident.***edited for grammar
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Kill Bill track plays in the background 18 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
In the context of the movie, he's giving reason for his cold indifference on what effects the rest of the world, his actions on it, and more over inevitably ties it back into their place in the world. I dont want to spoil what happens next incase you have seen it, but her effective response to all of this is essentially that above all else her being a mom proves her place in the world and demonstrates her resolve to now be one. Sorry if this is a bit vague but wanted to avoid all possible spoilers.
Wholesome trio 9 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
I'm a bigger fan of Neil Degrasse Tyson. I've met Bill Nye in person and he's more of a diva and actually a very condescending guy. There's a reason why most actual scientists arent fans of Bill Nye.
Look stuff up please 15 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
Going on the offensive during the winter doesnt apply here.
Know your place you trash 15 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
I appreciate your respectful tone and your response. It fills me with legitimate joy that people can have a discussion or even argument and still be civil with each other... not a lot of that going around lately.
Please buy it for us Daddy-San 11 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
Considering Greenland already contracts the US for military and security operations upwards of several million dollars a year to protect their interest and resources, their nighter than thou attitude is a bit hypocritical.
Please buy it for us Daddy-San 11 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
Now sure how you would expect a sitting president to legally acquire federal resources for personal gain. Do you have any idea how many federal and governmental bodies for BOTH countries would actually need to be involved with this if it became serious? Also, by your own admission Russia has already attempted to do the same thing, rather forcefully, to meet the same end because of how rich in natural resources this country is. I'm not even a big fan of Trump but people like you get so caught up with just hating the guy that people cant even see past the orange hair to any logical move competed by the administration. Of course all of this is a moot point since the original suggestion of purchasing the country was a joke.
Only one more of these 9 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
Yep, there's a reason the US already handles the majority of the military and security operations for them... because there's a very real threat that Russia may attempt to impose an annexation. In fact they've already tried twice in the past 20 years, rather forcefully and in less polite terms than Trump and the US just did as a joke.
Know your place you trash 15 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
You're lumping in americans with the rest of the world. The word is bigger than the perspectives of you and other third generation Americans. Go confuse a Czechoslovakian as a Russian and see how they respond. It's not racism, it's called different people being from different countries and having different cultures regardless of the fact that their skin color looks similar. By you calling the differentia unimportant you're doing the premace of your own argument a disservice.
We need Jonathan Wickington on the scene asap 54 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
@anthracite bless your heart.
We need Jonathan Wickington on the scene asap 54 comments
interesting · 5 years ago
I guess I'm not allowed to joke around on a website called funsubstance.