House party last night 7 comments
· 5 years ago
I was very obviously kidding. Come on man.
Oh no... 25 comments
· 5 years ago
@dr_richard_ew and @nicengelman I think you guys missed the joke in the post...
t*ttybutt or buttboob 7 comments
House party last night 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Jesus flipped tables, literally bounced people out of community areas, turned water into wine, and woke up from a 3-day death like coma... and you're trying to tell me drugs weren't involved in ANY of that?
This Uber driver 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Not really to be honest, how often are you listening for other cars versus looking in your mirrors for them? Additionally, there are extra indicators/sensors that go off on sounds/honks that you can have installed in your car for a few hundred bucks.
So I'm in Croatia right now, but am not allowed to go into the ocean :'( 53 comments
· 5 years ago
Is the artist you use in Germany? How is your journey to become a tattoo artist yourself going? I finally found an artist whose work I love and who I trust completely... took years but I've already had him do 2 separate pieces on my chest.
Best boi 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Black Rifle Coffee--love their marketing. It's expensive but it's some good stuff.
It's over 17 comments
· 5 years ago
That's why letting the wolf spiders live is so helpful/important. They dont breed that much so you wont see that many of them, and they actually eat all the other spiders... particularly helpful in eliminating any brown recluses that may appear--those SOB's are extremely venomous.
Somone just sent me this at the airport lol 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I travel a LOT and if someone is trying to do something like this at a busy terminal where there are more people than seats I can almost guarantee you airport staff will ask/tell them to remove their belongings from the seats. This is assuming multiple people standing nearby dont do it first. This photo is zoomed in though and there isnt any real context--this specific terminal could be almost empty or have very few people around, in which case go for it sister relax. When I've been on red-eye flights with almost no one at the terminal I'm waiting at I'll lay down and take a nap.
It's over 17 comments
· 5 years ago
It's extremely common in Texas for people to find/keep spiders near windows and certain doors outside. I had one near an outside window that caught about 40 fire ants in its web, another had about 20 mosquitos, loved those bastards. Wolf spider in the backyard consumes all the bigger bugs and leave people alone/extremely passive towards humans.
Governments around the world 7 comments
Governments around the world 7 comments
· 5 years ago
@funkmasterrex it'll get there sooner rather than later... states that havent legalized yet are seeing the absolutely obscene amount of profit from it so minds and hearts are starting to chang fairly quickly.
Other countries should follow Canada 15 comments
· 5 years ago
It's about damn time. Killer whales especially are insanely intelligent... I mean intelligent to the point that all the recent data and research suggests their intelligence may be comparable greater than tool-using apes and just a step below human beings. So the idea that we hold them in captivity and force them to do tricks for their food is several levels of mucked up.
Alright, here is the third attempt at earrings. No wood this time, just resin and staples 9 comments
Everyday we stay further from god 5 comments
The Quetzalcoatlus, the largest known flying animal that ever existed ! 13 comments
· 5 years ago
The picture is misleading, the fully expanded wings on a Quetzal are enormous--more than anything they would glide through the air.
It isnt about the money we swear! 1 comments
This is Gold my friends ! 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Extremely. This isnt new information so I'm not sure why this is a headline.
Suspicious 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Nah, Zohan DESTROYED them so... you know... vacation with the fizzly bubbly.