Gotta love that sweet southern heat 9 comments
· 5 years ago
Careful, dont let the Europeans hear you.
Texans vs. Europeans 7 comments
· 5 years ago
@ilikemoderation Yeah there are some folks who dont like the cold, Texas is more about extremes so it flips between hot and cold... dont really have any other seasons besides summer and winter, not really. The winters in Texas are definitely shorter, but average between 10 degrees (f) to 35 degrees (f). Nothing compared to further north like Minnesota or Colorado, that's for sure.
Texans vs. Europeans 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeah... this post is mostly a joke and not meant to be taken seriously or personally. @mialinay anytime anything about the heat wave in Europe is mentioned you seem to take it as an insult... posts like this are all in good fun.
Victory screech! 7 comments
· 5 years ago
@SuperDave Another example of why guests should not be allowed to comment...
Did they though?? 16 comments
· 5 years ago
If you want a movie to wreck the box office make sure Zoe Saldana is cast for it.
We are number 1 7 comments
· 5 years ago
We need stricter laws on laser musket control. I'm amazed anyone can even buy a laser musket. I mean, I'm okay with them being used to hunt space deer... but anything other than that is just reckless.
And you have no option but to pay into it 8 comments
· 5 years ago
The unfortunate truth is that Social Security has been at a net negative for years and it's very possible that it wont be here in 30-40 years.
And you have no option but to pay into it 8 comments
· 5 years ago
5% return doesnt necessarily have squat to do with day trading. They very likely mean a 401(k). There are several foreign securities that pay between 11%-15% annually, too.
Thank you Poland. Very cool 11 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm not the one downvoting you Famousone. Tossed you an upvote to fight it. I think someone is trying to troll you.
Thank you Poland. Very cool 11 comments
· 5 years ago
Didnt mean it as if I was rooting against them--rather I never hear anything about Poland and then seemingly out of nowhere I start reading about Poland doing some good it's great.
Thank you Poland. Very cool 11 comments
· 5 years ago
I find myself actively cheering for Poland lately... these are strange times.
That's why I buy Adidas and Hugo Boss 12 comments
· 5 years ago
This is happening in China... which is a distinctively communist country with many of their markets nationalized and regulated by the government... so I'm not sure why everyone is crying "Evil Capitalism". Your also bashing an entire economic structure based on a single corrupt company, there are hundreds of Fortune 500 companies that dont do anything even remotely like this and donate millions to charity and in many cases actually pick up the slack where local government fails. How about the small businesses that are part of that same capitalistic market? The BBQ Parts and Accessories store down the road is part of the same market. Maybe, just maybe, this isnt a "capitalism" thing but rather Nike seeking out manufacturing locations in countries with communistic governments? The US is obviously a hardcore capitalistic society but... this sort of thing would never be allowed in the US.
Vaccinate you're kids 4 comments
That's... The point 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Wouldnt surprise me... and this whole thing is insane. When I travel and I'm out drinking I ONLY use Uber... as do 90% of people who go out and drink. This will kill Uber if its legitimate.
Godmode: Activated 8 comments
· 5 years ago
If anything its depressing that one of the legitimately nicest guys in the entire world still has to worry about someone crying wolf.
This one is gonna be lit! 2 comments