Photo of two children - one vaccinated against smallpox, the other not 11 comments
· 5 years ago
Even if this WAS a realistic, possible side effect... the fact that so many people consider autism worse then diseases like small pox is just sickening.
The legend! 5 comments
This is a title 22 comments
· 5 years ago
I grew up in Dallas County, moved to Collin County later on. I dont want to be TOO specific because you never know what creeper may be reading our conversation.
Link? 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Unless she sent them to her husband or something and one of their phones was stolen or hacked. If someone breaks in my jeep, hot wires it, and then runs over another person using it--am I liable because I didnt do more than just lock my car? We need more info on what actually happened.
This is a title 22 comments
· 5 years ago
You and I grew up, and continue to live, in very different versions of Texas.
Corpse > Actual living woman. Got it 29 comments
· 5 years ago
But on the other side of the fence, if I even say I'm okay with the morning after pill people will call me a baby murderer. Everyone just needs to calm down.
Corpse > Actual living woman. Got it 29 comments
· 5 years ago
Well this isnt just me exaggerating either. There are literally politicians putting legislation on the table right now for third term abortions because they want to be perceived as politically correct. This is some abhorrent stuff.
Corpse > Actual living woman. Got it 29 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm really tired with people not being okay with compromise. The fact that Im being told that I have to be okay with 3rd trimester abortions or I'm a pro-life nutjob makes me feel gross.
This is a title 22 comments
· 5 years ago
Then you also have the children in foster care taken away from their parents or family's by state governments because of various forms of abuse or drugs being involved. This is why I think people bringing the foster care system into this argument is just so incredibly random.
This is a title 22 comments
· 5 years ago
That statement is insanely false. Most people I've met who are vehemently pro-life I may not entirely agree with politically but more often tend to be folks MORE likely to adopt. In Texas specifically it's extremely common for a family to have 1-2 kids naturally and also adopt a 3rd. Maybe the issue isnt as simple as "There aren't enough abortion services to go around" but an issue with access to birth control or people stupidly having unprotected sex. I'm not saying I'm pro-life, but when I see people on insta gram bragging about the 'raw sex' they just had and then weeks later talking about how they're shocked someone is pregnant... I cant help but think there's a level of ignorance or stupidity involved as well with a portion of the people contributing to the population of the children in foster care.
I hate to do this but we need help desperately. Info in comments 30 comments
· 5 years ago
What part of Texas are you moving to? May be able to help depending on how close you are going to be.
Not a coup 34 comments
Not a coup 34 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeah I wasnt trying to prove a point or be funny. It isnt really a secret that a large portion of the FS user base is very liberal. Downvoting me into oblivion demonstrates more over sensitivity on your part versus me really doing anything wrong?
Not a coup 34 comments
· 5 years ago
@Jeremy pretty sure the overwhelming majority of the users on this site are extremely liberal/left.
Edited 5 years ago
Let me just drive 55 in a 70 zone and be oblivious to the line of traffic behind me! 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Most of the Tesla models are actually quick as hell... which means if they're driving slow in the left lane it's likely that person is just a jerk.
Cosplay?This is cosply 11 comments
· 5 years ago
The people complaining about these cosplay costumes are the same ones who complain when women wear a bikini... not sure why anyone would even care.
This is as sad as it is necessary 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Sounds like they have asshole neighbors if they know the guy is severely autistic but continue calling the cops? Or if the guy is really creating that significant of a problem that its legitimately making the lives of the community so difficult that they feel they have to call the police and maybe that family needs extra help that they're not able to get. Either scenario is terrible.
trump 7 comments
· 5 years ago
A lot of the German soldiers in WW2 didnt voluntarily enlist, they were forced to on threat of death of themselves or their families. Many of them weren't even German they were forced conscripts from countries like Austria. I'm Jewish, so I'm not saying dont hate the Nazi's or Nazi soldiers from that time period... only that there was a lot more going on then just goodies versus baddies.