New inflation sized bags from Ikea 1 comments
· 9 weeks ago
Banana for scale?
Something's got to change 3 comments
· 10 weeks ago
Me, imagining billionaires being deported to countries never of their origin. Elon Musk on slow boat to Nicaragua. Bezos riding shipping container to Ethiopia. :P
Ooof! 1 comments
· 10 weeks ago
There shall forever be only one "just goofin' around, took a break, I'm back baby" ball.
Athletic needy widening 1 comments
· 10 weeks ago
Follow up: she had ring appraised. Threw back in my face. Sold ring, bought lottery ticket. Won ... $385M. Blocking all of y'all now. Thanks for making clear how you all felt. (Ahhh, rich and alone).
Europoors are a social construct 1 comments
Meaty combined materialistic 1 comments
Unreliable jolly almond 1 comments
Stainless wacky idealistic 1 comments
· 11 weeks ago
Beg8n addressing the task at peak inefficiency. Take your mandated breaks when you are allowed, but put a stop watch on it in chase he comes in "for a quick meeting. Stop time on your break when meeting starts and resume at least 1 minute after it ends. Make him write up complaints about you as they happen and email to you as they happen; then forward to CEO and HR as they come in (documenting hostile work environment). During breaks, job hunt if you need to. Leave on-time, answer no calls after hours unless you will also charge time for them. JOB HUNT. ask your bosses supervisor if they'll consider writing you a letter of recommendation since boss is hostile and explain what you're doing for company under duress as the reason for leaving.
Broad forked barren 1 comments
· 12 weeks ago
But...none of the rules of acquisition feature tentacles...
Rule 62: The riskier the road, the greater the profit
Rule 62: The riskier the road, the greater the profit
Bathroom with a glass floor on an abandoned elevator shaft 2 comments
· 12 weeks ago
Or put a 3 ft long, animatronic cockroach on the wall of the shaft on a cable that crawls up when the light comes on. Keeps poop time short for guests.
Congratulations, Cakelover! 4 comments
History moment 1 comments
Do you want Terminators? That's how you get Terminators. 1 comments
· 12 weeks ago
I, for one, fully support our new robot overlords. ..No.. seriously, do it. ('O.O) dooooooo ittttttttt!
Edited 12 weeks ago
Printed shaker difficult 3 comments
· 12 weeks ago
May the telling of all great stories be supplemented by equally great scribes (artists).
Charming indefatigable madly 1 comments
· 13 weeks ago
HOA - fine... but you gotta put 4 minimum and all trees need to be cut down.
Adventure Time chalk drawing!(oc) 1 comments
Top bloke 2 comments
· 13 weeks ago
Suspect brought a gun to the house & killed the wife. Husband brought a knife to gun fight & won.
Jealous unparalleled bogus 2 comments
· 13 weeks ago
Yes, because the try to say "this community is about acceptance and not shaming, so I deserve a 15/10 supermodel QT3.14 GF to bring me sammiches while I work on my train set and blog about how loud car exhaust hurts my ears."