Sturdy sulky self-taught 4 comments
· 10 weeks ago
Ma'am?... THIS is but my dagger.
Something's got to change 3 comments
· 10 weeks ago
Me, imagining billionaires being deported to countries never of their origin. Elon Musk on slow boat to Nicaragua. Bezos riding shipping container to Ethiopia. :P
Ooof! 1 comments
· 10 weeks ago
There shall forever be only one "just goofin' around, took a break, I'm back baby" ball.
Athletic needy widening 1 comments
· 10 weeks ago
Follow up: she had ring appraised. Threw back in my face. Sold ring, bought lottery ticket. Won ... $385M. Blocking all of y'all now. Thanks for making clear how you all felt. (Ahhh, rich and alone).
Europoors are a social construct 1 comments
Meaty combined materialistic 1 comments
Unreliable jolly almond 1 comments
Stainless wacky idealistic 1 comments
· 11 weeks ago
Beg8n addressing the task at peak inefficiency. Take your mandated breaks when you are allowed, but put a stop watch on it in chase he comes in "for a quick meeting. Stop time on your break when meeting starts and resume at least 1 minute after it ends. Make him write up complaints about you as they happen and email to you as they happen; then forward to CEO and HR as they come in (documenting hostile work environment). During breaks, job hunt if you need to. Leave on-time, answer no calls after hours unless you will also charge time for them. JOB HUNT. ask your bosses supervisor if they'll consider writing you a letter of recommendation since boss is hostile and explain what you're doing for company under duress as the reason for leaving.
Broad forked barren 1 comments
· 12 weeks ago
But...none of the rules of acquisition feature tentacles...
Rule 62: The riskier the road, the greater the profit
Rule 62: The riskier the road, the greater the profit
Bathroom with a glass floor on an abandoned elevator shaft 2 comments
· 12 weeks ago
Or put a 3 ft long, animatronic cockroach on the wall of the shaft on a cable that crawls up when the light comes on. Keeps poop time short for guests.
Congratulations, Cakelover! 4 comments
History moment 1 comments
Do you want Terminators? That's how you get Terminators. 1 comments
· 12 weeks ago
I, for one, fully support our new robot overlords. ..No.. seriously, do it. ('O.O) dooooooo ittttttttt!
Edited 12 weeks ago
Printed shaker difficult 3 comments
· 12 weeks ago
May the telling of all great stories be supplemented by equally great scribes (artists).
Charming indefatigable madly 1 comments
· 13 weeks ago
HOA - fine... but you gotta put 4 minimum and all trees need to be cut down.
Adventure Time chalk drawing!(oc) 1 comments
Top bloke 2 comments
· 13 weeks ago
Suspect brought a gun to the house & killed the wife. Husband brought a knife to gun fight & won.
Jealous unparalleled bogus 2 comments
· 13 weeks ago
Yes, because the try to say "this community is about acceptance and not shaming, so I deserve a 15/10 supermodel QT3.14 GF to bring me sammiches while I work on my train set and blog about how loud car exhaust hurts my ears."
Loutish amino impish 1 comments
· 13 weeks ago
Desperation to suspend reality and deep dive a world where you can dump your current diseased, broken meat bag for custom upgrade, genetically perfect Uber body, acquire native hottie wife, go war, big dick energy and kill the guys who threaten your happy ever after more than once because they too now get Uber bodies. Chaos ensue but dont mind b/c takes mind off the rattle coming from the a/c unit.