We Cant All Win at Life 4 comments
· 15 weeks ago
Childless cat lady raising livestock for the Puerto Ricans.
Fabulous 5 comments
Big oof 1 comments
....say things I didn't Nintendo 1 comments
· 15 weeks ago
Right... in a situation where voting is not the method of choosing a leader, but qualifications and experience is. In the spirit of thus, I'm going to come to your job with a mob of homeless people who'll vote me to be your boss so I can fire you and the we spend all the coffee fund on a pizza party for my "great leadership."
[OC] The Blue Angels getting close! 1 comments
Curious voiceless uninspired 1 comments
· 15 weeks ago
I swear, the spot on my forehead where all slaps of "Jesus fucking christ, WHAT an idiot" is turned to a divot in my skull.
Welcome buddy 1 comments
· 15 weeks ago
Just here to pick up the lizard people running the campaign before heading out to watch the explosion from safe distance.
Muscled pleasant legible 1 comments
We're living in a post-apocalyptic world 1 comments
Shaker married medical 1 comments
Zombussy 1 comments
· 17 weeks ago
Clearly this is to reduce chance of bite from infected. Proper PPE (personal protective equipment) may be uncomfortable but can and does save lives.
Also, is possible he was bitten by a Texan and is beginning to transform. Watch for signs of:abject racism, gun collection, preference of faith in religion over science, deep desire to shoot anything that moves in a school house, beer gut, "soudern" pride, bad grammar, worse spelling, need to drive ever less efficient and practical vehicles, "meat, coal, oil and jayzus" are their gods, ...
Edited 17 weeks ago
Also, is possible he was bitten by a Texan and is beginning to transform. Watch for signs of:abject racism, gun collection, preference of faith in religion over science, deep desire to shoot anything that moves in a school house, beer gut, "soudern" pride, bad grammar, worse spelling, need to drive ever less efficient and practical vehicles, "meat, coal, oil and jayzus" are their gods, ...
Guiltless manmade quickest 1 comments
· 18 weeks ago
...and then the Devil's lawyer of the day shows up to remind the dark one that Johnny committed the sin of pride and is already damned.
I will never not love this 3 comments
· 18 weeks ago
Omg yeah, gotta turn off radio with good song or else bad brain will pick from the "I despise this song but know all the lyrics" Playlist.
The mighty algorithm provides (except it does not) 3 comments
· 18 weeks ago
No, but you DID have to watch a live performance supported by the city chamber of commerce and a second, unskippable performance by the port authority and / or tourist bureau.
Conditioned cheeky lawful 1 comments
Gold-plated dotted ***** 3 comments
· 18 weeks ago
I'm 45, if they have kids and are still fun & nice to talk to, they still qualify as MILFs
I make renders of dreamscapes - this is my latest creation 1 comments
· 18 weeks ago
Needs more lizard people and that thing that chased me down and at my spine when it caught up.
When you discover 3 comments
· 18 weeks ago
Wait til your find out about the service basement. Don't worry, I did rock anchors and shotcrete the whole way down for stability. (Kwoo kwoo kwoo kwoo) ... oop... just blasted another meter.. gotta go muck it out. See y'all at the foundation pour.