Sturdy sulky self-taught 4 comments
· 32 weeks ago
It's believed one explanation could be that if a kingdom was threatened by another, the attacking kings sword would be sent to the potential victim's castle as both a threat and offer to peace talks. Thus, the bigger the sword comes in the mail, the more likely you are to try to talk it out, rather than fight whose coming to get his toothpick back.
Cartoon cakes 3 comments
· 32 weeks ago
EVERYTHING else... mostly in fantasy laden, green and black spandex.
Edited 32 weeks ago
nahImOnTheDevBranch 1 comments
· 32 weeks ago
...go back to that nerd from HS or college who you told y'all were "just friends" and hope he's still holding out for you. 30% still will be found waiting patiently for someone to love them.. , 60% killed themselves or are in the process of working self to death and have no time for you, 5% are fully dedicated to next civil war, and 5% are online gaming and can't hear opportunity knocking.
Drive like you're worth it 1 comments
Lawl 1 comments
· 33 weeks ago
So..? Humans aren't native to Antarctica OR space and no one seems to be doin a DAMNED thing about the infestation there...
Why does this house have such a comically large chimney 1 comments
· 33 weeks ago
Santa runs a whole reindeer train on your mom every year..
Edited 33 weeks ago
Decorous flammable gabby 1 comments
Happy Independence Day! 4 comments
· 34 weeks ago
..chaos, I'm gonna warn you.. what the Commies are eating is worse. WAYYYY worse.
Dread preparatory stale 1 comments
· 34 weeks ago
Well I was writing a Star Wars fanfic about the Festival of the Cleanse which featured ever species in a free-for-all mud wrestling tournament to see who won a literal truckload of kyber crystals but Return of Skywalker eeked out too many similarities so.. it sits unfinished. .. (oo) the tentacle pit monster's arc was developing nicely. (0.0)
Welcome to prosperity 2 comments
· 34 weeks ago
Cave was pretty good. Meat, fire, snu snu.
Yeah, then Grod's kid came out all "authistic" and "I wanna paint!" and it just went from there.
Edited 34 weeks ago
Yeah, then Grod's kid came out all "authistic" and "I wanna paint!" and it just went from there.
Story time 1 comments
· 34 weeks ago
Mexican food for a week, poop on paper bags that spell out Gobbledygook upon the teacher's domain, deposit they.
Edited 34 weeks ago
Deniece and Denephew 1 comments
· 34 weeks ago
Catherine and Kathyrin.
Donald and Joe (always fighting)
E&!3op (pronounced kev-in) and 5÷nft0 (pronounced miles)
Edited 34 weeks ago
Donald and Joe (always fighting)
E&!3op (pronounced kev-in) and 5÷nft0 (pronounced miles)
Sophisticated executable novel 2 comments
· 35 weeks ago
That old lady got internet famous and free vacation for it. Granddaughter eying the Cap'n too.