It's due any day! 8 comments
· 1 year ago
They need to cut it open to see how bad winter is gonna be.
Since we're posting our local shitty art installations... Here's the one in my city! Half 1 comments
Someone pooped gold today 1 comments
Become ungovernable 1 comments
Seriously 4 comments
· 1 year ago
Especially when you consider that, somewhere, some critical infrastructure is / was running on Internet Explorer.
Holy Carbonara! 1 comments
Seriously 4 comments
· 1 year ago
Boy, do you NOT want to know what "software" is currently running the nuclear stockpile of ICBMs. ...and I'm not even talking the U.S.. Russia is running stuff tied to satellites in orbit that, if they go dark, signals total launch and they've been working 30 years to do a workaround. Veery time they simulate it, some forgotten silo in Siberia tries to launch for real. Kicker, the non-nuclear payloads on their ICBMs, have the same signal so if one launches.. pretty good idea as long as you're OK with the fallout. Lol, pun.
I'm going on season 3 1 comments
· 1 year ago
The writing was the BEST then. Fluid, natural.. season 14 is corporate sponsorship, addicted to tiktok, news depression from around the world, just complaining about what hurts, what you lost, what you never had, and no mention of what LITTLE you did to earn ANY of that.
Yeah right 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Only reason you notice is because we exist at the time when that size/ distance relation is coincident. A few millennia ago, moon was too close and eclipses were MUCH darker, shadow upon earth reached farther. A few centuries from now, moon too far away and NO total eclipes... THEN how will you know of impending doom? Well, by then it'll just be constant, right.
Follow the leader 1 comments
I don't know who needs to see this today but .. 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Yeah, yeah. I know rock bottom, just hand me my pick and I'll scale away the weak stone. Gonna dig until I can punch a devil in the nards.
Repeating alienate teeny-tiny 1 comments
· 1 year ago
My grandfather sold and installed wallpaper, in Chicago, DURING the Great Depression. Mr. Capone like the rooms he stayed in to be fresh so paid hotels to keep the decor up to date. I also heard he opened and operated 17 soup kitchens. We were always told for whatever his faults, Mr Capone kept a LOT of people from starving to death during the winters.
Thanks Obama 6 comments
· 1 year ago
Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one - Bruce Lee
Yeah, what's up with that? 1 comments
Thanks Obama 6 comments
Uttermost contemporaneous formal 3 comments
I am 43 and feel personally insulted 1 comments
Inbound defenseless subsequent 1 comments
· 1 year ago
That's why I never stop working. End of day at employment, get to doing stuff around residence. Stopping point of that work, start planning tomorrow and weekend work. Sleep? I dream in CAD. if I'm never happy, I'll never know what I'm missing for real; only fantasies.