Blood of a Virgin 1 comments
· 1 year ago
But them goth girls dance inthe nude before the yeet out ma still beatin' corazon.
No need to thank me. :) 1 comments
This language is IT 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Latin was one of first, major language widely used across ancient lands of central / western Asia, Africa & Europe to detail laws set by city states. Thus, lawyers were involved.
Satan - "Ah, the language of my people."
Satan - "Ah, the language of my people."
I'm sorry, but what? I don't really get it 3 comments
This is definitely fact 5 comments
This is definitely fact 5 comments
Oh no! 2 comments
· 1 year ago
You have to put it in words the red caps can understand. Like this: Global warming will turn your favorite deer lease into a solar / wind farm and wildlife preserve which will prohibit hunting! Hippies will abandon coastal cities as sea level rise sends them to your small, rural town to open decaf, specialty, $9 a cup coffee shops that sell gluten free, pot bagels! Higher daily temperatures are making women's average breasts shrink by a cup size every decade! Hotter fall days may mean high-school football will have shorter season if games are allowed to be played at all! Beef will get naturally leaner as cows lose fat from hotter summers in the South.
...and my best: internet porn addicts suffer as entire industry switches to 100% Pay-to-preview in bid to finance anti-global warming efforts.
...and my best: internet porn addicts suffer as entire industry switches to 100% Pay-to-preview in bid to finance anti-global warming efforts.
It’s fall which means it’s time to make fun of winter people 2 comments
· 1 year ago
Cold weather is what we all SHOULD be striving for. Must stop global warming... Texas CAN get hotter. To make people there understand the danger.. imagine all the white tail deer in Texas died during summer from heat stroke, drought, and starvation. THEN go read about what happened 1953-56 to white tail population. I'll wait here.
Edited 1 year ago
Landlady dropping a cursed truth bomb 1 comments
For me, it's Robin 4 comments
· 1 year ago
I'd bring back Kim Jong IL to upset the power balance in North Korea and make China commit to overthrowing the country as opposed to Taiwan.
I still remember 1 comments
· 1 year ago
That's one of the central plates of an electrical transformer. From the size it may be 110 volt AC to lower volt / higher amp like 24 volt. Find these in older air conditioners when recycling
The dawn of ancient Greek sporting culture. 700 BC 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Sure, cause naked teenagers on tv would really pull in a lot of positive political and celebrity attention. Right?
Boy to femboy 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Damn. Modern day Erwin Schrodinger paradox of observed super position in practical experience.
All I got to say about this meme 6 comments
Yeah no shit 1 comments
And why is your favourite word zygote? 2 comments
I should have watch nagatoro 1 comments
I hope you're having the bestest day 2 comments