
This site is a happy place

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Ahh gotta love life :P 11 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
I am also rude you are completely right
Ahh gotta love life :P 11 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
Your a cunt you little troll. Sorry you are probably butt hurt cause someone somewhere hurt your bitchass feelings and now you have to be a little ass hole to everyone. I know I have nothing to do with this but you are being a internet bully and I just need to tell you to get the over yourself and stop being rude. It's not nice. :)
Disney's star wars 5 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
Interesting facts about time 11 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
Thank you I've been searching a bunch of stuff about earth the universe which lead me into humans then religion . My mind can't handle all of this information. o_O
Humanity 61 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
This could be us we are humanity funsubstance we all make up that so called thing "humanity" so start doing things to make a difference big or small make an impact make a difference
Interesting facts about time 11 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
I don't really understand the life compressed into 24 hours thing can someone explain it
Blaze it or praise it? 36 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
Blaze it then praise it *thank you Jesus's puff puff pass it to the good and almighty lord*
When you're hugging a child 5 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
They are weighing her down so she won't be able to stop hugging first !!
You are BEAUTIFUL! 54 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
Everyone is beautiful and the only thighs anyone needs to be interested in is KFC chicken thighs. Yum, and I'm just insecure cause I'm skinny and I know it's taboo to really complain about being skinny because everything thinks i shouldn't complain but people make comments and I would rather have more curves I guess what I'm trying to say is that everyone is so concerned about what their body is not we don't take the time to look around and see what true beauty is. I'm sorry I got salty about the comment and I really appreciate everyone taking the time to understand and stuff . I love everyone on here
You are BEAUTIFUL! 54 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
So I guess I'm gross because I'm naturally skinny and have one.. Thanks I feel awesome..
Only 90s kids get it 20 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
That's the joke because people always post like only this generation will get this. It's being sarcastic
This is how I fit 2 sandwiches into a lunchbox 9 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
Or.. Or you could just eat them and keep them in your tummy
Girl surprises boyfriend with marriage proposal. He looks pumped! 12 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
Pubic proposers just need to shave themselves some time and to stay out of Hairy situations
Everyone, I present to you... Tumblr. 12 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
Because this is funsubstance
And finally Disney did the thing 94 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
You have a good point and I'm just voicing something here in today's social media honestly the internet is kind of the fasted way to gain recognition and awareness for things
So they are doing something. You don't know their life you don't know if they go out and support gay pride parades or what so..
And finally Disney did the thing 94 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
I just want you to think about how you would feel if you were gay if you were in love with someone who you couldn't marry or have children with. How would you feel about being told no that's not right. I'm not gay but I know for damn sure that every human being gay straight black white yellow red green or brown deserves to love and be loved by someone and I know that people like you will never understand. We are all made in gods creation and u truly believe gays or bi sexuals or straights are born that way. You can't change who you are attracted to
And finally Disney did the thing 94 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
Okay guest I want you to replace the word gay in your rant with blacks and Jews your rant sounds a lot like racist support and segregation and inequality support. You can have your religion and believe in it but maybe you should
Consider that religion isn't always right. We aren't suppose to take everything in the bible literally anyways. Can you imagine if we lived in a world where being straight was shunned and you felt that you were fucked up in the head because you are
Attracted to the opposite sex it would hurt and you would pray to your god in pain asking why you were attracted to the opposite sex because it says it's wrong in a book that is so fucking old and shouldn't even be taken literally for the majority of it. Put yourself in someone else's shoes because you sound like a close minded son of a bitch
And finally Disney did the thing 94 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
I know this is really random but i need to share this .. At my highschool we have prom and they don't let same sex couples go together and I'm not gay but I believe that gays should be able to do what straights do it's almost like segregation and it's discrimination I don't think it's fair and there really needs to be a change
something to think about 21 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
Another reason way it's illegal is because insurance companies don't want to pay life insurance or whatever for sucide
Friends 13 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
Make babies
Weird stuff I do potoo 21 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
My mom had a brain tumor and is also epalptic but he said fake a seizure it's a joke and I'm sure he would let people know he wasn't really having one and I also doubt he does it around random people. It's a joke just like saying your OCD about cleaning or a certain thing even if you aren't actually OCD it's an exaggeration to be funny or emphasize an action so I kinda think your over reacting cause my mom who has seizure would actually find thAt funny but everyone is entitled to their opinion
Imagine dragons 5 comments
ilovemydog · 10 years ago
It's talking about acid but there is weed in the background lol
yeah i'm not sure i like my author 13 comments
ilovemydog · 11 years ago
FUCK YEAH! Sims is life.
So sick 17 comments
ilovemydog · 11 years ago
I'm from 96 but I don't really remember anything
I'm catholic and I laughed 19 comments
ilovemydog · 11 years ago
God never said anything about two women lieing with each other ?