Theoretical phone calls 10 comments
· 7 years ago
mom to child: 2h 88 min
Relatable af 10 comments
The job will be done 1 comments
· 7 years ago
Is that a bear, cat, koala, fucked up raccoon, some shitty rendition of a dog, or a monstrous hybrid?
Relatable af 10 comments
How to sing the lion king 4 comments
Not all heroes wear capes 16 comments
· 7 years ago
1. Arrived to school late and through a random series of events was alerted to the presence of and confronted (presumably not physically) the bomber and died
2. Was going to school (presumably not late) and proactively recognized and physically engaged the bomber and died
2. Was going to school (presumably not late) and proactively recognized and physically engaged the bomber and died
Always tipsy and super generous with her money 11 comments
Always tipsy and super generous with her money 11 comments
Always tipsy and super generous with her money 11 comments
· 7 years ago
On mobile (or iPhones at least) if you doubletap "space" you get a period and a new sentence.
Why Amazon boxes are too big sometimes 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Funny story about this. My brother once bought a NERF gun I think, and it came in the NERF box, packaged in this rather large-ish cardboard box, which was then packaged in this absolutely fucking massive other box. This last box was big enough for my brother to comfortably curl up in AND us close it up.
Torille! 5 comments
I have three cell phones 20 comments
· 7 years ago
That's called a suicide vest. Just wear one of those.
Actually now that I think about it, that'd be a really cool way to die. Just walk into a den of mafia or whatever and blow yourself up.
Actually now that I think about it, that'd be a really cool way to die. Just walk into a den of mafia or whatever and blow yourself up.
And the farts. Oh the farts will be glorious 24 comments
You'll never lose a fight again 11 comments
· 7 years ago
A good single martial art would be one of the Muay variants. Next would be a ground grappling art, then a standup grappling art.