Yes, I also drank milk 18 comments
howuoh · 6 years ago
"You were stating what another person does or does not understand simply because they didn’t defer to your expertise." I did not once claim authority over this subject. Which is why I deferred to experts on this matter by suggesting some light research. Clearly you're not in the right mind to discuss anything. Come back again when you're not emotionally disturbed.
Yes, I also drank milk 18 comments
howuoh · 6 years ago
You're going way off point. I'm just stating the benefits of breast feeding, nothing more. As far as I know, nothing beats breastfeeding for the baby. Have you done your research?
Yes, I also drank milk 18 comments
howuoh · 7 years ago
@rosalinas you should do some research on the subject before making such claim. You don't understand how complex breastfeeding is. And it's not just about the milk too.
Yes, I also drank milk 18 comments
howuoh · 7 years ago
Usually leads to permanent problems such as malocclusion, autoimmune problems and allergy just to name a few. Breast feeding is highly recommended during the first 3 years or so.
Ah, Pokémon 9 comments
howuoh · 7 years ago
Instead of Pokemon Go we have Pokemon Come
"You gotta do the cooking by the book" 16 comments
howuoh · 7 years ago
Why does she want the guy to lie to her?
Don't mind me, just fishing for attention 7 comments
howuoh · 11 years ago
Probably don't have a lot of friends to begin with lol
Every time I see a repost 1 comments
howuoh · 11 years ago
Why not both?