what a horrible day to know how to read 4 comments
· 4 years ago
So unhygienic... Guh
Anon recalls past trauma 6 comments
· 4 years ago
It was most likely a night terror, I've had something similar like that I still do from time to time. It's hell because everything feels and sounds so real, where lucid dreams and reality collide. You're awake but dreaming at the same time. Most days I can't tell if I am awake or still dreaming then I have deja vu all day long.
Cross Stitch Panda 6 comments
· 4 years ago
I am very pleased this post wasn't from a bot. It is very well made, with the time and dedication you put in its amazing. So what makes this meh to you? We are our own worst critic, I guess
If you think you have a bad day, think twice 5 comments
Emphasis on the special 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Kids are growing up wayyyyy to quickly. I get it, its great that they're exploring more about themselves and learning to accept in such but there needs to be a limit. Especially, in the eyes of the media. This is basically soft porn for sick fucks.
4 horsemen of pain 9 comments
· 4 years ago
Oh God, I don't have any balls of my own but I have seen this horror happen. I cried with the guy and gave him an ice pack.
What the hell 25 comments
· 4 years ago
My friend, I applaud you for your time and consideration for your research on this but- Let us just call it for what it really is. What the ever living fuck is wrong with them.
How a lock and key works 7 comments
My Puppers 6 comments
· 4 years ago
I love your puppers. Please tell them I said hi and they're the best doggos!
Ass hooker 6 comments
Game 3 comments
My dentist spit on me and I couldn't even spit back because he sucked up all my mouth 23 comments
· 4 years ago
Not anymore it happened when she was 12 years old (presumably). If it had happened recently between 1 to 4 years, depending on the state (if located in the US) you could sue for medical malpractice.
My dentist spit on me and I couldn't even spit back because he sucked up all my mouth 23 comments
· 4 years ago
Ah yes, that made it more reasonably better. Thank you for clearing that up for us.
Daily dose of bad wisdom #30 1 comments
· 4 years ago
I love that song! Don't. Stop. Amputating! Hold on to that babysitting! So inspirational!
Did my first tattoo in over 20 years! 9 comments
Detective mountainous ignited Fox 1 comments
· 4 years ago
I have completed the game not too long ago and really... It was ok. At the end I felt empty like everything that happened to Ellie was all for nothing. I don't hate it I just wish they sticked with one charter instead of jumping from one person to the other. I do hate it for the constant backtracking of time. The transition from the past to present was terribly done. I got lost a couple of times trying to follow the story. The story should've been with just one character, I didn't mind Abby that much. She, like everything else was forgettable. I did like her living environment situation. Like Seattle was cool and getting a little bit more information about what happened in different parts of the US was also cool. I wish they had focused on that more specifically. I'd rate the game a solid 6.
Edited 4 years ago
FS Users Portrayed by Ed, Edd n Eddy 13 comments
· 4 years ago
I love this so much!!! Everyone is accurate in the portrayal.
Edited 4 years ago