"...do you think she's talented, deeply & importantly talented?"
— hollygolightly Report User
How to tell if you're racist 39 comments
· 9 years ago
bruh calm down, are you going to start calling people homophobes just because they are not attracted to their own sex? or start accusing people of fat shaming just because they are not attracted to overweight people? it is a fact no doubt about it, "what" you are attracted to has nothing to do with prejudice or discrimination it has to do with who you want to bump privates with. so there is no need whatsoever to provide you with "copious volumes of studies", its called sexual attraction and the preference differs from person to person
This is f*cked up and very sad 19 comments
Trevor noah 20 comments
· 9 years ago
then what would your better punchline be? bc this comment looks to me as a failed attempt at being edgy.
pirate ship made out of old pearl necklaces 3 comments
· 9 years ago
I like to think that Elizabeth made this while she was waiting for Will :'(
This show... So many feels 8 comments
· 9 years ago
& then later he beat the shit out of some bully with that purse filled with rocks, I love him
Love this movie! 8 comments
Think before you go and cuddle some tigers! 9 comments
Go ahead, tell me about how bad it is 65 comments
· 9 years ago
Ok...so what about other countries who have conducted studies on humans in mental institutions, finding that those who have depression or bi-polar, who abused marijuana, developed schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder in every single case...were they oxygen deprived monkeys? or is that just a united states thing. My cousin is now as slow as a brick and doesn't know why he blacks out and does things he cant remember doing, all from being depressive and smoking marijuana that led to bi-polar that triggered his schizophrenia...you cant advocate for people who have disorders by comparing them to american monkeys. Smoke all the weed you want...please just find out if you don't have an underlying mental illness first. sorry for my english, its not my first language
There are two type of people (And Jaden) 8 comments
· 9 years ago
if you ever had an excruciating bladder infection & finally get to pee normally after days of pain...then this is so freaking relatable
Your kid is a compass 15 comments
· 10 years ago
not quite, it was VW De Klerk who made the decision to release him from prison, then allowing the black majority to vote knowing Mandela will run for president in the next elections...De Klerk was the instigator of peace, Mandela carrying it through...that's why they both were the recipients of the Nobel peace prize in 1993
Your kid is a compass 15 comments
· 10 years ago
exactly! he went to prison for just cause, he deserved the 27 years that he spent on that hell hole...but what he did when he came out of prison, now that was remarkable. he could have plotted extreme revenge, but he chose to forgive
Baby refuses to be cooked as a part of religious feast 9 comments
· 10 years ago
more like crazy Catholics, if you want to try and be offensive at least get your facts straight
Back to the friendzone 2 comments
· 10 years ago
yeah! what is she supposed to do...keep quiet & then have the guy think she's a clinger
Nooooooo 4 comments
· 10 years ago
& it usually happens at a party & then your night is just kinda ruined, you know?
Protester barricade in Hong Kong 2 comments
The Beatles and their sons 15 comments
· 10 years ago
this is very important you guys...they need to at least make a song together
*poetic voice* her eyes were the color of 8 comments
Someone give this man an award 25 comments