

— Highlanderwolf Report User
"I didn't even see you!" 4 comments
highlanderwolf · 8 years ago
Yea, this guy is a dumbass, but most of the time they actually can't.
Gorgeous plait 7 comments
highlanderwolf · 8 years ago
^^ Two kinds of people.
Giant monkfish 14 comments
highlanderwolf · 8 years ago
Oh, look, the support is ganking top.
Just say no to YouTube Red. Here's the low down: 5 comments
highlanderwolf · 8 years ago
Yea, I'm not even signing up for the free trial.
Purrfect 1 comments
highlanderwolf · 8 years ago
Captain here, the comic is called Headtrip.
Not all stop signs require you to stop 20 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
Okay, two things:
First, it doesn't matter, unless it's a private sign on private property. Unless that's the case, no court of law will give a single fuck about whether or not there's a sticker.
Second, this "information" is only useful if you're an asshole that runs stop signs. Yea, it might be in a really stupid useless place, but come on, it's at the most five seconds out of your day. Just stop, instead of trying to make up loopholes...
Preach 59 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
As a straight guy I was about to get super pissed off, and then I realized that most guys are like this.
A student emails his professor while drunk. The reply is so chill 3 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
As somebody going off to college next week as a freshman, all I want is at least one professor like this. Just one.
There are only 12 Master Penmen in the world, this guy is the youngest by 3 decades 3 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
I love digital art. It's beautiful, and I will defend it to the end. But this, I think, is a level of beauty that no silicon can truly imitate.
Woman Screams Rape While Being Arrested After Claiming She Doesn’t Have to Follow Laws 46 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
She doesn't need to get "whopped", what happened was exactly what needed to happen.
"original" film 7 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
Sorry, been spending too much time on Reddit I guess.
"original" film 7 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
They could have made that scene in a hundred different ways, but the creators decided to pay homage to something they loved, and here you are bitching about how they "copied" something else.
Damn. :/ 29 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
For fucks sake, take the box back, eat the rest of the donuts, and realize that WOMEN ARE ALLOWED TO SAY NO.
PC vs MAC 11 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
Ooh, true, I forgot. I guess I'll have to go back and watch the movie again now.
PC vs MAC 11 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
But I thought it was Macs that stole things from other computers to keep themselves ahead.
WinRAR and WinZip Revenue 2 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
Something used by people who have never heard of 7zip.
I think CN want kids to be rappers. 15 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
Meine watermelon 7 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
That cat belongs to Ikaros.
Eve, the first Apple user 2 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
Holo? Is that you?
The space occupied by default apps really upsets me 22 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
It might not actually be Android, but rather the crap flavor of Android that the phone company decided to fill up with bloatware before selling it to you.
Dude 7 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
It's the XKCD book. You can also find that particular brand of humor on XKCD.com
Which is your favorite archer? 20 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
So... I'm just gonna be the nerd here and point out that Ashe (blue archer chick, from League of Legends) shoots seven arrows with her volley. Looks like you're one arrow short Robin Hood.
It's not a watermelon 14 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
*is waiting for Ikaros to come get her watermelon*
· Edited 9 years ago
New Avengers Trailer - Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer 2 12 comments
highlanderwolf · 9 years ago
Is it just me, or does the almost calm piano music make it so much more intimidating than that stupid Inception noise they put in almost every trailer now?