

— hexy Report User
At least the house looks good 6 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
Can you tell what's wrong with this picture? 31 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
She isn't in the kitchen, making me a sandwich?
Life is what you make it 11 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
I guess its hidden because the poster doesn't want too much competition for this honey's attention. :)
Tiny, mobile art 5 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
And the snails are getting sick of his shit.
Some dude made a huge Kim Kardashian Ray J flag at Glastonbury 18 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
because fuck that guy.
Housed 8 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
No worries.
Housed 8 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
I did. I was expressing my own comments. And I did precede/close the comment with: Rant On/Off.
Is it really already half a year? 18 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
I miss him. He always made me laugh.
Housed 8 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
Rant On:
This is the 21st century. Vaccinations do not cause autism. Vaccinations do not make you sick (unless you have an egg allergy, and if you tell the person vaccinating you, they have alternatives). If you fail to vaccinate your child, you should lose your children and be administered a sound and thorough beating. And don't tell me that you've done your research. You are entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts. You are entitled to not be vaccinated, but you do not have a right to put your child's life in danger. Full stop.
Rant off.
Roasted 21 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
Actually, Sanders would be great at it - he brings actual facts, and doesn't play upon the fears of ordinary folk.
Roasted 21 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
While I don't know who Whospiked the punch is, I can certainly tell that they have drunk the kool-aid. Seriously: Trump is a joke.
Roasted 21 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
Obama is awesome.
What would u do? 26 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
I'd buy her boxes of the stuff. She has to keep up her energy.
At least she's not a serial killer.
Probably one of the most meaningful tattoos I have ever seen 19 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
Maybe he was an ass hat, and you get the ink to remind yourself not to be like him?
Advice from one expert about ISIS and terrorism 18 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
Not so unbiased: Theantimedia.org takes a *single* report and runs with it. Also, vaccination leads to autism? Mofo, please.
Lastly, foreign news sources are still media sources, you know. Just because they aren't owned by Rupert Murdoch or some Saudi prince doesn't mean they don't run with an agenda.
The point is you take your news from more than one source. That way, you get a better cross section of the truth.
Advice from one expert about ISIS and terrorism 18 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
Okay, I'll bite. What are these "far more reliable sources of news" than, y'know, news?
Advice from one expert about ISIS and terrorism 18 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
basket-weaving, probably.
Advice from one expert about ISIS and terrorism 18 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
And how do you judge what is "suspicious"?
Advice from one expert about ISIS and terrorism 18 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
Yes, ignoring the problem works so very well. Just ask the Jews of 1930's Germany, or anyone from Serbia, or Ukrainians, or Native Americans how that worked out.
I'd be afraid if I seen this 14 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
It is dishonest to represent something that someone else made and present it as your own. Instead, say, 'I found this elsewhere and thought it would be funny this way'.
Impressive 11 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
I bet she only got lucky with someone's grandpa.
As long as it was gold and it's been a while 18 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
Yes. Yes, you are.
Amy Schumer stolen face evidence 2 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
Nailed it. It's like they were separated at birth.
I'd be afraid if I seen this 14 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
Spoiler Alert: he died out there...
It's called "The Galgano Sword" 6 comments
hexy · 9 years ago
That's your answer for everything: more lube.