Well 79 comments
· 9 years ago
Thanks, Obama.
Well 79 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah. tyler. You're missing the point. Cut the terrorists' ball off, not someone who had the misfortune of sharing the same family tree. When you equate the actions of one person with those related to them, you become part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Even before the movie started 30 comments
· 9 years ago
canon ≠ cannon. Learn the difference and then return to the internet. I swear, if a spelling test were required for use of the internet, it would be a far more interesting place.
Even before the movie started 30 comments
Well 79 comments
· 9 years ago
So, what did the castrated relative do to warrant maiming and death? Oh, their cousin or whatever was a terrorist? Oh well, that's fair.
Let's turn that around. There are members of ISIL who are American citizens. Should we allow the KGB to come and do the same thing to an American citizen?
Let's turn that around. There are members of ISIL who are American citizens. Should we allow the KGB to come and do the same thing to an American citizen?
Well 79 comments
· 9 years ago
Apparently, the poster decided to add the bit about Obama; the original article doesn't mention Obama.
Even before the movie started 30 comments
· 9 years ago
Why not just wait for the movie to come out instead of analyzing it to death and turning out more than likely to be wrong?
b*tch got rekt 16 comments
"As you wish" 11 comments
· 9 years ago
The same thing with Darth Maul. The lesson is: give the fans a taste, and no more.
New Taylor Swift Music Video for "Out of the Woods" 6 comments
· 9 years ago
The video is pretty amazing. Better done than a Porter Robinson video I saw with similar themes:
Deez nuts 2k16 39 comments
· 9 years ago
And let's face it, there isn't a shred of anything resembling proof that she has ever done anything illegal or unethical. Every time I hear someone blame Benghazi on her, I know I can tune them out as an unthinking asshat.
The seasons 3 comments
Deez nuts 2k16 39 comments
· 9 years ago
And, of course, Trump's flaws are hilarious and clownish. Just what you want in the Leader of the Free World.
Deez nuts 2k16 39 comments
US $100 close-up 6 comments
A Cup of Coffee. 5 comments
Turtle man 8 comments
Scumbag lvl over 9000, he took two handicapped spots, and you can see instant karma 15 comments
· 9 years ago
I like these things, but wish that we could see the reactions of the people who's cars were karma'd. I would pay cash money for that.