How to tell if you're racist 39 comments
· 9 years ago
Again, bring references, or it did not happen. There are far too many bs "studies" that exist solely in the minds of people trying to validate their own point. If you aren't prepared to back up your point, don't waste our time trying to make it. Full stop.
but they're delicious! 32 comments
it's true 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Bloody hell, so true. This HAD to be topped by some white suburbanite from LattéLand, USA or some effete snob from the Continent. That's a real special kinda dumb right there.
How to tell if you're racist 39 comments
How to tell if you're racist 39 comments
· 9 years ago
All I heard was "nope, I gots me no references for my so-called factses". Put up or shut up, please.
TRON bicycle 13 comments
How to tell if you're racist 39 comments
· 9 years ago
"Its a fact" eh? Show me the copious volumes of studies that support your position or I'm calling bullsh!t.Cite a source or stfu.
I love my baby shark 12 comments
My view of the Ashley Madison hack 10 comments
· 9 years ago
And the company got hacked recently, and a lot of the cheaters' info, nude pics and sexy habits were posted online.
I bet those people are feeling really betrayed right now.
I bet those people are feeling really betrayed right now.
How to tell if you're racist 39 comments
· 9 years ago
There is no such thing as an "ingrained sexual preference". That's just doublespeak for racist. Not racist like, 'let's go lynch someone', but racist nontheless.
but they're delicious! 32 comments
· 9 years ago
Why not start out with green peppers, then? Or find a veg that most kids dislike, like brussel sprouts or Karen Quinlan?
Joking aside, it's like Spielberg, taking the guns out of E.T. Show some integrity and keep the product the same. It's pandering.
Joking aside, it's like Spielberg, taking the guns out of E.T. Show some integrity and keep the product the same. It's pandering.
but they're delicious! 32 comments
· 9 years ago
I am creeped out by the fact that movie studios alter the movie topander to different audiences. Make a singe product and stand by it. If you can't, don't release the product. Period.
When your fave show ends 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Sorry, but if you are so hung up on a tv show instead of real life, you desperately need to change your life.
Quick question: on all those shows you watch, how many of the characters are watching tv? None of them. That's why they have lives worth watching, because they are doing instead of watching others doing. Truth > rude.
Quick question: on all those shows you watch, how many of the characters are watching tv? None of them. That's why they have lives worth watching, because they are doing instead of watching others doing. Truth > rude.
What's your excuse? 11 comments
· 9 years ago
By the comments below, i have discovered some of the people who would not survive a catastrophe.... :D