

— harperfan7 Report User
Devil dogs 12 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
okay, well I guess all the pitbull owners I know are bad owners
and all the other dog owners I know are good owners except when they own pitbulls
· Edited 5 years ago
Devil dogs 12 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
its breed specific when they've been bred specifically for aggression, such as with pitbulls, who, despite being just as nice as other dogs, absolutely will snap and attack even if they've been raised "correctly" in loving homes
Nicht mein 11 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
they absolutely should
fuck mexico and fuck druggies
This has been the worst trade deal in the history of mankind 9 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
oh darn, my mansion doesnt have internet
Why do people hate helping others? It's insane 22 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
The fires in california are literally from eucalyptus trees planted about a hundred years ago.
Why do people hate helping others? It's insane 22 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
they're both right
firefighting is a gigantic public expense, yet only a tiny minority of people actually need it, and they're almost always unresponsible or trashy
t. firefighter
This piss me off ! 9 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
Actually, the law on that is weird. I think you *can* go over the speed limit to pass someone and get out of the way, but it's been a long time since I read about it.
This piss me off ! 9 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
if you're in the right lane and they're doing this, just let off the gas until they back away or go around
if you're in the left lane, go faster or get over
Just ???? things 4 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
Yeah, no joke. In high school, I used to be very conscious of enery usage and throwing away useable paper and stuff like that and would go out of my way to do things right. Then I got a job in a shipping warehouse and saw that that one building (out of dozens in that industrial park) wasted more of both in one night than I do in probably a year. It's hopeless.
Just ???? things 4 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
but if I tell you those people are jews...
I70 West outside of Denver Colorado 5 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
that section with the railroad/tunnels is the coolest stretch of terrain ive ever driven through
That looks evil 4 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
the whole auditorium looks like a giant snake if you look at it from the very back
Such a power move. 1 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
No, it was seeing the herculoids with space ghost, or the silverhawks with the thundercats.
Would you? I would 5 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
I don't know how I would feel robbing the blind
That's what you get 4 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
and its only five years
slap on the fucking wrist
Your first defense 8 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
Your first defense 8 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
So adorable 9 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
that's crazy
when I see a fox, it's a nature spirit at the edge of my vision and disappears as soon as I notice it
you get them fucking posing all cutesy on your front porch
Once you know, you know 36 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
eh, people are just smart animals
ever notice that some animals are straight up douchier than others? like mean dogs vs nice dogs?
humans have psychopaths and I damn near guarantee that animals do too, or at least something like that
Watching with pleasure 4 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
for real, he'd probably be into that
Always 14 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
getting a ring is just throwing away your money to jewel merchants
It can be a great starting point 11 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
Just dont argue with retards. Its really that simple.
Be like dat 7 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
Im not giving up fucking fireworks on our goddamned "fuck the british" day just because some stupid animals are scared of loud noises. They'll fucking live.
· Edited 5 years ago
It can be a great starting point 11 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
As if we haven't been using wikipedia anyway this whole time.
All valid reasons 7 comments
harperfan7 · 5 years ago
While I don't get the gold thing either, everything else is true.