Do I dare to say..Based! 18 comments
· 1 year ago
This is an interesting topic. I find it somewhat darkly humorous though that often times people advocating that men need masculine spaces or that traditionally masculine spaces should be kept such for men- are often the same people mocking concepts like “safe spaces.” People who will say keeping masculine spaces for men to express themselves freely as “men” isn’t sexism or discrimination are often the ones making commentary that “safe spaces” for groups like various ethnicities are a form of discrimination or self segregation. The disconnect or lack of self awareness there is astounding.
I genuinely can't imagine what it feels like 6 comments
· 1 year ago
TL:DR- HP doesn’t seem like a system that works well or works as in most games in real life, but inside a game world or in our world, I’d have to imagine that losing 1HP feels like whatever made you lose that HP. If you lose 1HP by being hit with a stick then losing 1HP in that case would feel like being hit with a stick, but losing 1HP to poison would feel like whatever that poison feels like, and you could lose 1HP to one type of poison or sickness and 1HP to another and it wouldn’t feel the same. Without an HP gauge you generally have no way to tell how much HP you’ve lost if any.
I genuinely can't imagine what it feels like 6 comments
· 1 year ago
Of course… who says losing 1hp would feel the same in a game? Generally without an HP gauge you wouldn’t know what your HP is. Sometimes character movement or other graphics or dynamics change when a character is below a certain limit or in a “near death” mode- but beyond that there is no indication that the actual loss of the HP feels like anything. You can be sick and not feel any different than usual- but, to that point…
Even if you do feel some aspect of health- what it feels like depends. If being bitten by a bug in a game or falling off a small drop both took 1HP, I’d imagine the feeling you get from falling too far isn’t the same as being bitten by a bug, and afterwards a bug bite may sting or itch vs. the soreness one might feel over the feet and body after a fall.
Even if you do feel some aspect of health- what it feels like depends. If being bitten by a bug in a game or falling off a small drop both took 1HP, I’d imagine the feeling you get from falling too far isn’t the same as being bitten by a bug, and afterwards a bug bite may sting or itch vs. the soreness one might feel over the feet and body after a fall.
I genuinely can't imagine what it feels like 6 comments
· 1 year ago
Arguably we might all have 1hp- as many common “1hp” injuries in games are easily deadly to real humans.
Or if HP is our absolute threshold of consciousness or stamina, we’d all have different HP and losing one may feel different. That said though, we can’t say 100% what others experience, but generally having a higher threshold doesn’t change the same experience. Someone with a high pain threshold still “feels” the same thing in theory when they get cut, they can just tolerate more pain without showing it or responding. Even if you are strong it isn’t like lifting 10 lbs doesn’t feel like 10lbs, you’re just able to lift it a little easier or carry it longer, but it isn’t like just because you can lift a car that a 200lb bag won’t still feel “heavy” or take effort.
So maybe 1hp loss feels like stubbing a toe or maybe it feels like after a brisk jog.
Or if HP is our absolute threshold of consciousness or stamina, we’d all have different HP and losing one may feel different. That said though, we can’t say 100% what others experience, but generally having a higher threshold doesn’t change the same experience. Someone with a high pain threshold still “feels” the same thing in theory when they get cut, they can just tolerate more pain without showing it or responding. Even if you are strong it isn’t like lifting 10 lbs doesn’t feel like 10lbs, you’re just able to lift it a little easier or carry it longer, but it isn’t like just because you can lift a car that a 200lb bag won’t still feel “heavy” or take effort.
So maybe 1hp loss feels like stubbing a toe or maybe it feels like after a brisk jog.
I genuinely can't imagine what it feels like 6 comments
· 1 year ago
Indeed. It complicates it as HP just doesn’t work out. It’s also seldom the HP loss that kills you in real life. Usually it is the status condition.
So for example, breaking a bone generally isn’t considered deadly, but breaking your neck is generally not the same as breaking a toe, and a broken toe can cause a toxic or shock state that can kill you.
A stab wound generally doesn’t directly kill you, a bleed condition might, infection, lack of oxygen etc.
So a more realistic game health system is generally one where you aren’t too concerned with HP, or HP is more analogous to stamina and one’s ability to avoid complete incapacitation from exhaustion or shock etc. and you’d just be going around monitoring the severity of various status ailments you were suffering from, where if any status ailment became too severe or was too chronic you’d simply just die more or less on the spot or pass out and die if someone didn’t treat you in a certain time.
So for example, breaking a bone generally isn’t considered deadly, but breaking your neck is generally not the same as breaking a toe, and a broken toe can cause a toxic or shock state that can kill you.
A stab wound generally doesn’t directly kill you, a bleed condition might, infection, lack of oxygen etc.
So a more realistic game health system is generally one where you aren’t too concerned with HP, or HP is more analogous to stamina and one’s ability to avoid complete incapacitation from exhaustion or shock etc. and you’d just be going around monitoring the severity of various status ailments you were suffering from, where if any status ailment became too severe or was too chronic you’d simply just die more or less on the spot or pass out and die if someone didn’t treat you in a certain time.
Cursed image of the day. 2 comments
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
· 1 year ago
but to some degree our needs are influenced by what we decide then to be and condition ourselves to need.
In the poorest village or darkest dungeon you can find a man that says life is good, and in the most luxurious mansions you can find those who are miserable. Do the wealthy and miserable really have base requirements for happiness beyond what all the wealth in the world can meet? Maybe. More likely though, again, outside of clinical conditions, they are making themselves unhappy through their inner views and thoughts.
They can seek happiness externally all they want and have the wealth to do so, and yet often don’t find anything more than momentary and fleeting superficial happiness.
If you can’t change reality, you have to change how you look at it. Easier said than done perhaps, but that is the long and short of it.
In the poorest village or darkest dungeon you can find a man that says life is good, and in the most luxurious mansions you can find those who are miserable. Do the wealthy and miserable really have base requirements for happiness beyond what all the wealth in the world can meet? Maybe. More likely though, again, outside of clinical conditions, they are making themselves unhappy through their inner views and thoughts.
They can seek happiness externally all they want and have the wealth to do so, and yet often don’t find anything more than momentary and fleeting superficial happiness.
If you can’t change reality, you have to change how you look at it. Easier said than done perhaps, but that is the long and short of it.
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
· 1 year ago
Which often involves changing our outlooks and internal monologues and can often involve freeing ourselves from limiting ideas society thrusts upon us or expectations we take for granted as “how things are” regardless of what those things do to our mental health.
Outside of conditions like depression, the most current research suggests that somewhere around half our general happiness may be genetic. The rest is mailable based on our thoughts and actions.
The most current research also suggests that outside of depression and such conditions that inhibit or prevent it- happiness is largely our own choice. That it is influenced by the external, but if our basic psychological needs are met that we basically choose wether to be happy or not, and we do in fact to some degree even choose wether our basic needs are being met. Given the same set of parameters, two people can be on opposite ends of a spectrum of happiness- some of this can be inherent differences in their needs,
Outside of conditions like depression, the most current research suggests that somewhere around half our general happiness may be genetic. The rest is mailable based on our thoughts and actions.
The most current research also suggests that outside of depression and such conditions that inhibit or prevent it- happiness is largely our own choice. That it is influenced by the external, but if our basic psychological needs are met that we basically choose wether to be happy or not, and we do in fact to some degree even choose wether our basic needs are being met. Given the same set of parameters, two people can be on opposite ends of a spectrum of happiness- some of this can be inherent differences in their needs,
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
· 1 year ago
So I mean- everyone is entitled an opinion and wether or not it is factually supported or related to social conditioning or whatever else- our feelings are our feelings and we are allowed to feel as we feel. It is generally considered healthy that we process our feelings fully, which isn’t so simple as “just getting over it,” but I can save a few thousand words by just saying that eventually we can move past things if we put in the work and time to do so.
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
· 1 year ago
Human beings are just animals. Animals in general routinely reproduce even in front of their young. Many aspects of social and mental discomfort and issues that plague society and individuals can be traced to puritanical and repressive views on natural functions like sex.
We place sex on this odd pedestal and blow it up to the point that it becomes attached to all these odd emotions and eccentricities that generally aren’t observed in the animal kingdom or even amongst many human societies studied who developed outside major influence from various historical powers such as isolated tribes.
We do not realize how many of these hang ups and traumas are generated internally due to being raised in an environment where we are constantly told overtly and in subtext to feel these negative or repressive ways.
We place sex on this odd pedestal and blow it up to the point that it becomes attached to all these odd emotions and eccentricities that generally aren’t observed in the animal kingdom or even amongst many human societies studied who developed outside major influence from various historical powers such as isolated tribes.
We do not realize how many of these hang ups and traumas are generated internally due to being raised in an environment where we are constantly told overtly and in subtext to feel these negative or repressive ways.
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
· 1 year ago
So they can’t change reality as pertains to their discomfort and distress, but they can most likely work to change their outlook.
If it is one’s outlook that is causing one distress, it does seem intuitively logical that while it isn’t an overnight process, changing one’s outlook is one prudent course of action, especially when one cannot change reality.
If it is one’s outlook that is causing one distress, it does seem intuitively logical that while it isn’t an overnight process, changing one’s outlook is one prudent course of action, especially when one cannot change reality.
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
· 1 year ago
So I admit my phrasing was insensitive, and I will apologize for that. I will not reverse my personal opinion on the matter of finding out one’s parents have sex, it is my personal opinion. It applies to me. I do not have the problem this person has. I do not have that problem and would not because I do not view the issue the same way they do.
Their view of the issue is causing them unhappiness. Can they change reality? Take back what they saw? Stop their parents from having sex? Arguably even trying to stop them from making more porn would be self centered in my view and a bit entitled. Regardless, even if one did stop them- that doesn’t change what was seen and likely wouldn’t remove it from the internet or existence no?
Their view of the issue is causing them unhappiness. Can they change reality? Take back what they saw? Stop their parents from having sex? Arguably even trying to stop them from making more porn would be self centered in my view and a bit entitled. Regardless, even if one did stop them- that doesn’t change what was seen and likely wouldn’t remove it from the internet or existence no?
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
· 1 year ago
I would not want to see my parents having sex, but like many kids I have walked in on my parents in the nude or in some stage of sexual activity. It’s quite common that if we live with someone long enough that we will see then naked, and if they are sexually active, we may be exposed to that aspect of their being.
This is compounded with parents and children as in general children’s boundaries and respect of adult privacy can be weaker than that adults hold to each other, and the relationship between parent and child is such that there is generally an inherent compromise in privacy and autonomy to both parties.
This is compounded with parents and children as in general children’s boundaries and respect of adult privacy can be weaker than that adults hold to each other, and the relationship between parent and child is such that there is generally an inherent compromise in privacy and autonomy to both parties.
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
· 1 year ago
People generally don’t do simply “just get over” most things, but ultimately, keeping things short and simple, you either “get over” things in some manner- work past them, develop coping strategies etc, or you are stuck in a place of discomfort and distress. When this occurs because of our inability to reconcile it inner thoughts with reality, we can change reality, or work on changing our perspective to align with reality. Changing our outlooks is not so simple, but it is something humans are capable of with work and support in general.
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
· 1 year ago
Hi dragon baby. I HAVE considered other people have different opinions, I am a person who has a different opinion myself, I’m not the one who called anyone’s opinion “stupid as hell,” that was iondraco, who I then told the exact thing you said, people have different opinions.
You also quoted me out of context. I said the “IDEA of expending…” as implied in my view, to me. Not a judgment statement, a personal opinion statement.
I do admit the choice of words “get over it” is potentially triggering and insensitive. I’d written quite a bit already and honestly just didn’t feel like writing out an entire disclaimer on that particular line- but since it has come up….
You also quoted me out of context. I said the “IDEA of expending…” as implied in my view, to me. Not a judgment statement, a personal opinion statement.
I do admit the choice of words “get over it” is potentially triggering and insensitive. I’d written quite a bit already and honestly just didn’t feel like writing out an entire disclaimer on that particular line- but since it has come up….
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
· 1 year ago
My mother, for my entire life was an adult, as is true of my father. They can have sex with any other adult. I’d wager at least 5 or ten if not more other humans have seen them naked and fucking. I don’t know all of them nor care to.
You must understand how, to a person without odd incestual or Freudian hang ups concerning their parents,
The idea of expending any degree of thought on one’s parents sex lives or who is involved or what people think of your parents sexually- is sort of creepy and gross. My care into such matters has never extended further than to hope they were having fun and safe sexual lives. I can’t say the idea of giving concern to who fucks my mom or dad or who watches ever entered my mind nor seems very healthy to me.
You must understand how, to a person without odd incestual or Freudian hang ups concerning their parents,
The idea of expending any degree of thought on one’s parents sex lives or who is involved or what people think of your parents sexually- is sort of creepy and gross. My care into such matters has never extended further than to hope they were having fun and safe sexual lives. I can’t say the idea of giving concern to who fucks my mom or dad or who watches ever entered my mind nor seems very healthy to me.
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
· 1 year ago
You’re welcome to your opinions, I’d appreciate if you didn’t call peoples opinions dumb simply because they contradict your own opinions or your insecurities and codependencies don’t allow you to live your life and allow others to live theirs without worrying about the largely frivolous opinions of others. Because that’s really what we are talking about here- what someone might think… of… your parents..? You? What exactly…? What are we worried about here? That by seeing your parents naked or having sex that…. What exactly?
Like someone is going to judge you on your dads dick game or something..?
I’m sorry, I don’t know what goes on in the minds of prudes, so I can’t really relate. Of the list of problems I have now or ever, of the problems in the world, someone seeing my mom fucking isn’t high in the list of practical concerns.
Like someone is going to judge you on your dads dick game or something..?
I’m sorry, I don’t know what goes on in the minds of prudes, so I can’t really relate. Of the list of problems I have now or ever, of the problems in the world, someone seeing my mom fucking isn’t high in the list of practical concerns.
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
· 1 year ago
Oh no. Someone might sexually fantasize about your family members. Because without porn, no one in the history of ever has fapped it to someone else’s mom, sister, dad, brother… oh nooo.
And then they might recognize their mom and dad, and then their friends might realize this persons mom and dad have sex, and then the great family secret- that their parents like sex- will be out, and then people might even think it’s genetic and maybe THEY like sex too, which as we all know, liking sex is just weird and something that shouldn’t be encouraged.
And then they might recognize their mom and dad, and then their friends might realize this persons mom and dad have sex, and then the great family secret- that their parents like sex- will be out, and then people might even think it’s genetic and maybe THEY like sex too, which as we all know, liking sex is just weird and something that shouldn’t be encouraged.
Chipotle marketing team doing it right 1 comments
· 1 year ago
This probably hits a lot harder for all those souls stuck living in places that still think this is 1952.
My brother in Athena you built the cave 4 comments
· 1 year ago
So what’s more “sad” then? Someone imagining the view they want to see and projecting it as light to the cost of a few kilowatt hours and the manufacture of a device, or someone upending an ecosystem and transporting and having made all manner of physical goods from around the globe to create the illusion that they live in a scenic glade or some such? It’s less about accepting the facade of what the world is vs. seeing “reality” and more about how many resources you want to tie up in creating a facade to satisfy your belief that the lie you have chosen is “real.”
My brother in Athena you built the cave 4 comments
· 1 year ago
It’s logical. It’s actually more reasonable than most common takes on the situation.
You’re splitting hairs on artificial.
Few windows overlook “untouched” nature- manicured yards and managed water ways and features or managed forests and engineered landscapes. Non native plants and species and configurations that wouldn’t generally- in many cases couldn't really be expected to exist in nature. Often fake plants, fake wood, wood veneers and faux finishes. Vinyl made to look like marble, cement made to look like stone.
Hedges to give the illusion that 20-500 feet or so away isn’t another set of windows pointing right at yours.
Edited 1 year ago
You’re splitting hairs on artificial.
Few windows overlook “untouched” nature- manicured yards and managed water ways and features or managed forests and engineered landscapes. Non native plants and species and configurations that wouldn’t generally- in many cases couldn't really be expected to exist in nature. Often fake plants, fake wood, wood veneers and faux finishes. Vinyl made to look like marble, cement made to look like stone.
Hedges to give the illusion that 20-500 feet or so away isn’t another set of windows pointing right at yours.
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
· 1 year ago
At 16, it should be evident to anyone not educated in Texas or Florida, that your very existence likely proves your parents have sex.
Your life is ruined by them having sex?
Your life wouldn’t exist if they didn’t most likely.
So I mean…. get over it.
Your life is ruined by them having sex?
Your life wouldn’t exist if they didn’t most likely.
So I mean…. get over it.
The fable about the north wind and the sun may have been accurate 10 comments
· 1 year ago
So I mean… one thing America learned in the Cold War, along with most of the world, you don’t have to go head to head wit a communist nation on the field of battle in order to drive out communism. You don’t even have to force a communist nation to fail. All you need to do is wait and a communist nation will become essentially capitalist, or it will fail on its own. That’s just how it works. Human nature. The type of government is just marketing. The rulers sit on top and break the rules while making them, and everyone else props them up.
Communism doesn’t give people what is needed to control them into suffering away to funnel money to people living more opulently already. Until a system of control is developed that either has absolute force or beats capitalism for gaining compliance- capitalism will always win. People bet their self interest, communism doesn’t support self interest. It’s simple math.
Communism doesn’t give people what is needed to control them into suffering away to funnel money to people living more opulently already. Until a system of control is developed that either has absolute force or beats capitalism for gaining compliance- capitalism will always win. People bet their self interest, communism doesn’t support self interest. It’s simple math.
The fable about the north wind and the sun may have been accurate 10 comments
· 1 year ago
But to the point of this meme- it does seem odd in concept that after all the fighting and killing and brutality- that within less than a lifetime a country could seemingly change in such ways. It isn’t all that odd though. That’s.. war. Through much of history and much of the world. While certain regions or peoples have been known for enduring conflict, generally people want to move past war. The fighting between the USA and Japan in WW2 was comprable brutal and hatred was as deep if not deeper. Despite that, America and Japan have had moments of love and respect and admiration or even envy of each other since then many times. After 2 world wars and at least 1,000 of wars- European countries have their frictions but often get along well enough or are best chums.