Epic Chernobyl meme 2 comments
· 1 year ago
The sort of BAD you and your neighbors and possibly the continent or globe pay for potentially for thousands or more years. Nuclear waste is also a major issue with our best bet so far mostly being: “bury it in a hole and hope for no problems even though our storage methods probably won’t last as long as this waste…” so we don’t want to go building nuclear plants Willy nilly or replacing all our fossil fuel dependency with them.
Epic Chernobyl meme 2 comments
· 1 year ago
I am a proponent of an energy strategy that involves nuclear power, but I will say that there is a very real danger in America and many other countries that expansion of nuclear power systems can easily lead to “hiring party yes men..” to build them.
If you are on the right or left you have plenty of recent examples to point across the party lines at shoddy construction and “sweet heart deals” handed to cronies or family members. The left might quote shoddy walls paid for at many tiles their worth, the right might point at Joe Biden and a certain phone call…
Whatever. Regardless of wether those examples hold truth (to you) or not- you have them.
Nuclear accidents are SUPER rare- with nuclear reactors running all over the globe without incident ever, and a rare less than handful of notable incidents. When those incidents happen though- they are often BAD.
If you are on the right or left you have plenty of recent examples to point across the party lines at shoddy construction and “sweet heart deals” handed to cronies or family members. The left might quote shoddy walls paid for at many tiles their worth, the right might point at Joe Biden and a certain phone call…
Whatever. Regardless of wether those examples hold truth (to you) or not- you have them.
Nuclear accidents are SUPER rare- with nuclear reactors running all over the globe without incident ever, and a rare less than handful of notable incidents. When those incidents happen though- they are often BAD.
New slide in my home town Maple Ridge BC 4 comments
· 1 year ago
I just thought this was a new thing with the Florida school system to help protect kids from being indoctrinated by the “gay agenda.”
What would you call this weapon? 8 comments
Lord f 3 comments
· 1 year ago
Case in point many cartoon villains would be faltered to be called “ruthless” or such. So to insult the person you need to target what THEY are sensitive about. Like, even if you don’t judge people on it or find anything wrong with it. Even if you think it is attractive and wish you had it, if you’re trying to insult someone or hurt someone with red hair whom you know is sensitive about having red hair for whatever reason, it would be prudent to mock their red hair.
You know it will likely hurt and insult them. Thusly mantet was not insulted for being a manlet, Shrek used the Manlets attitude and character as justification to insult him and then chose the insult based upon what would likely have an effect on an egotistical and cruel manlet.
You know it will likely hurt and insult them. Thusly mantet was not insulted for being a manlet, Shrek used the Manlets attitude and character as justification to insult him and then chose the insult based upon what would likely have an effect on an egotistical and cruel manlet.
Lord f 3 comments
· 1 year ago
Agreed. Will add, he was obviously sensitive about his height. Shrek isn’t like- Jesus or something. The moral wasn’t to be the nicest most docile kind person. He yelled and insulted and was rude to lots of people.
The Manlet was a total jerk and general human garbage. That judgment was based on behavior and not on his looks. He was teased for his Lois because he was sensitive about his looks.
Teasing people based on what we find funny or bad about them isn’t really effective as an insult inherently because.. well.. in many cultures being rotund was sexy or a sign of wealth. If a person from a culture where being slim was desirable made fun of someone for being fat from a culture where that was desirable, the “fat” person might not get it at all or even feel complimented.
The Manlet was a total jerk and general human garbage. That judgment was based on behavior and not on his looks. He was teased for his Lois because he was sensitive about his looks.
Teasing people based on what we find funny or bad about them isn’t really effective as an insult inherently because.. well.. in many cultures being rotund was sexy or a sign of wealth. If a person from a culture where being slim was desirable made fun of someone for being fat from a culture where that was desirable, the “fat” person might not get it at all or even feel complimented.
SNAP* 8 comments
· 1 year ago
The real danger though- beyond to artists- is really that there will likely be a handful of AI juggernauts holding all the keys. Yet another wave of monolithic entities with their hands in every aspect of society siphoning money and gaining influence.
There are likely long term repercussions to art, how we perceive it and view it and interact with it, quality and diversity, etc. economic impacts and wealth redistribution and such. A slippery slope as AI rolls out and improves and we decide where it is legal or socially acceptable to deploy it.
But… art is art.
There are likely long term repercussions to art, how we perceive it and view it and interact with it, quality and diversity, etc. economic impacts and wealth redistribution and such. A slippery slope as AI rolls out and improves and we decide where it is legal or socially acceptable to deploy it.
But… art is art.
SNAP* 8 comments
· 1 year ago
Lower cost for art and animation and more accesible tools could mean a boom in animated films and television. More creators might be able to get their ideas n front of audiences. Small business could access the types of services that would have been cost prohibitive before. Everyday non artistic people could take things in their imaginations and see them realized as images. Self made comics and graphic novels or even home made animations akin to the golden age of flash animation when it was super easy to make little shorts- but still prohibitive to those who couldn’t create with conventional or digital art tools.
SNAP* 8 comments
· 1 year ago
The so so artists, the artists without patrons and pals- they might be screwed.
People selling commissions for $1-100 online might take a hit. The people making a penny a frame working in animation are likely to lose all their leverage after finally getting to a point where the plight of animators was JUST starting to possibly get the mainstream support to push for better pay or conditions.
Those people have it in their self interest to want to put the brakes on “artistic” AI, but most other people have nothing but benefits to look forward to in the short term.
People selling commissions for $1-100 online might take a hit. The people making a penny a frame working in animation are likely to lose all their leverage after finally getting to a point where the plight of animators was JUST starting to possibly get the mainstream support to push for better pay or conditions.
Those people have it in their self interest to want to put the brakes on “artistic” AI, but most other people have nothing but benefits to look forward to in the short term.
SNAP* 8 comments
· 1 year ago
That said- yeah. If I drew pictures for a living a robot that draws pictures of what you tell it to for basically free would scare the crap out of me too. But let’s just be real. It isn’t about politics or integrity or human creativity or intellectual property or credit or whatever else. It’s about jobs and money.
AI is going to take jobs. The top artists will generally be fine. They’ll staple a chicken to an old record and throw rhino blood on it and sell it to the Met for a cool million still.
The guy with all the rich friends out west will still have studios and producers making work for him or he’ll get a job as “AI supervisor” or something as a sweet heart gig.
There will still be web projects and programs and such that will need at least one human to communicate with the teams and keep the AI pointing down the right path.
AI is going to take jobs. The top artists will generally be fine. They’ll staple a chicken to an old record and throw rhino blood on it and sell it to the Met for a cool million still.
The guy with all the rich friends out west will still have studios and producers making work for him or he’ll get a job as “AI supervisor” or something as a sweet heart gig.
There will still be web projects and programs and such that will need at least one human to communicate with the teams and keep the AI pointing down the right path.
SNAP* 8 comments
· 1 year ago
“It’s about ip theft man. Feeding AI the art of others without credit!” Oh boo hoo. Because no human artist has ever been taught, inspired by, influenced by, or straight up learned by copying other peoples art. Every single cartoon just has similar styles and cues because every one of the artists on them happened to draw that way despite never having seen any other cartoon art.
So I mean, I get it. Art is a skill, and there is design theory and psychology and all these things involved. Wether it is design for programs or websites, corporate logos and brand images, cartoons, “high art” or pop culture or whatever- artists are often abused, under appreciated, taken for granted etc. if it were so easy to do- why would you need an artist at all? Do it yourself. You can’t? I Guess it isn’t that easy. And when the artists hands in the word and someone says “$X for this? Me/my kid/whatever coukd have done that for free!” Well… why didn’t you then? It’s harder than that.
So I mean, I get it. Art is a skill, and there is design theory and psychology and all these things involved. Wether it is design for programs or websites, corporate logos and brand images, cartoons, “high art” or pop culture or whatever- artists are often abused, under appreciated, taken for granted etc. if it were so easy to do- why would you need an artist at all? Do it yourself. You can’t? I Guess it isn’t that easy. And when the artists hands in the word and someone says “$X for this? Me/my kid/whatever coukd have done that for free!” Well… why didn’t you then? It’s harder than that.
SNAP* 8 comments
· 1 year ago
Abilities to simplify the work of machinists and drafters and create complex items at home. The looming obsolescence of sculpting and molding and all manner of skills that tend to take years or life to master and often still require aptitude.
Robots weld but we still use humans. Robots paint but we still use humans. Robots sculpt but we still use humans. Robots fly and take pictures and we can automate all manner of things that still have humans. Many are niche applications or small scale and independent, but humans still value skill and creativity. People who can pay for the “human touch” often do. When people argue that quality or whatever are superior in “hand made” goods- people who can afford those usually do and other people don’t have to live without because they can’t afford the “good stuff.” It just makes things more accesible.
Robots weld but we still use humans. Robots paint but we still use humans. Robots sculpt but we still use humans. Robots fly and take pictures and we can automate all manner of things that still have humans. Many are niche applications or small scale and independent, but humans still value skill and creativity. People who can pay for the “human touch” often do. When people argue that quality or whatever are superior in “hand made” goods- people who can afford those usually do and other people don’t have to live without because they can’t afford the “good stuff.” It just makes things more accesible.
SNAP* 8 comments
· 1 year ago
Of course I don’t hear many serious photographers bemoaning smelling like a morgue and spending hours developing and hundreds or thousands in chemicals and tools, having photos ruined etc. but developing was a skill and a major part of the skill of photography. We made photography more accesible and more accesible and now you have a music studio and auto tune and an orchestra and 10,000+ instruments, a Photo Booth, dark room, editing room, near pro level quality images capture; animation and video, 3D effects capability and more in the palm of your hand or in your lap.
People seem to love 3D printers without regard to all the vast skill sets and professions those threaten.
People seem to love 3D printers without regard to all the vast skill sets and professions those threaten.
SNAP* 8 comments
· 1 year ago
This one gets me. Like a pianist saying that a keyboardist isn’t really a musician.
And then a graphics artist comes in and insults AI art then goes back to their sett program and sets a bunch of masks and changes variables to get a perfect paint brush blend with zero technique involved- just setting parameters- turning data into a picture.
The AI art debate… I get it. A lot of people could lose work, possibly their industry. But… not everyone has their knowledge or talent but they enjoy being able to see things they imagine “come to life.”
When we went to switchboards the phone operator all but vanished. Replaced by a “smart machine.”
Modern cameras and apps can allow literal children to take beautiful shots. They can save 10000000 quick pick images and even sort for the “best” ones. Software or insult functionality can even compose and frame the image etc.
And then a graphics artist comes in and insults AI art then goes back to their sett program and sets a bunch of masks and changes variables to get a perfect paint brush blend with zero technique involved- just setting parameters- turning data into a picture.
The AI art debate… I get it. A lot of people could lose work, possibly their industry. But… not everyone has their knowledge or talent but they enjoy being able to see things they imagine “come to life.”
When we went to switchboards the phone operator all but vanished. Replaced by a “smart machine.”
Modern cameras and apps can allow literal children to take beautiful shots. They can save 10000000 quick pick images and even sort for the “best” ones. Software or insult functionality can even compose and frame the image etc.
Béarnaise sauce 8 comments
· 1 year ago
If ketchup was the only sauce that existed I wouldn’t use it on fries or anything else. I’m not a toddler so I’ll pass on the sugar paste thank you. .
No disrespect to ketchup lovers. To each their own, those are my personal feelings as apply to me.
Various herbs and spices
Lots of things I’d put on fries- but not peasant trash sauce for babies.
Again- no disrespect to ketchup lovers.
No disrespect to ketchup lovers. To each their own, those are my personal feelings as apply to me.
Various herbs and spices
Lots of things I’d put on fries- but not peasant trash sauce for babies.
Again- no disrespect to ketchup lovers.
Education is a privilege. At least you have a chance to improve your life 33 comments
· 1 year ago
School teaches what school needs to teach to fill its purpose and it is up to the student to learn what they need to learn. Your ability to figure out things on your own and fill gaps and get the “truth” out of what is in front of you in life to choose a path without all the details or advantages is something that only comes from you and how you interact with your environment. For help there you need things like family or mentors and wise friends etc. to help you discover the you that is most capable.
So I agree school isn’t perfect and I agree it can be improved and we should try, but I don’t entirely agree on all points of philosophy.
So I agree school isn’t perfect and I agree it can be improved and we should try, but I don’t entirely agree on all points of philosophy.
Education is a privilege. At least you have a chance to improve your life 33 comments
· 1 year ago
Those ways don’t make everyone happy though. I hate golf. I won’t play it even if it has hurt me in my Carter and business and social life. I don’t care. I won’t do it. If I did, and if I drive the car that guys my age who play golf drive and discuss the topics and live in the place and etc etc. then doors open. I don’t. So I have to open my own doors. When you are opening your own doors you are on your own and left to your wits and abilities. There is no class for not following the blue print. There is the blue print and then being on your own.
So school can’t teach you how to be happy, you can learn how from school, but learning and being taught aren’t the same.
So school can’t teach you how to be happy, you can learn how from school, but learning and being taught aren’t the same.
Education is a privilege. At least you have a chance to improve your life 33 comments
· 1 year ago
Just about everyone can have abs or be fit and healthy and not everyone does or is. There aren’t secrets and it’s well known how to do it all. All it requires is minimal effort and consistency for most people. Yet here we are. Because the people who are going to do it don’t need to be made to do it. They don’t need cajoling or hand holding. They’ll do it either way.
That’s school. That’s life. Some people do and some people don’t. There are paths in life that are almost guaranteed to go well and in America they are well documented and open to basically everyone.
Luck and such play their part but in general you do these things this way. You take these classes and get these grades. You do these activities. You do these jobs and act this way at work. You do these things worth your money and have these hobbies and these priorities and if you do things that way, you’ll almost always do fine.
That’s school. That’s life. Some people do and some people don’t. There are paths in life that are almost guaranteed to go well and in America they are well documented and open to basically everyone.
Luck and such play their part but in general you do these things this way. You take these classes and get these grades. You do these activities. You do these jobs and act this way at work. You do these things worth your money and have these hobbies and these priorities and if you do things that way, you’ll almost always do fine.
Education is a privilege. At least you have a chance to improve your life 33 comments
· 1 year ago
There are people who love to work out. They will naturally wake up at 5am and naturally and gladly go to bed at 9pm. They do not like the taste of sweets and they live the taste of things dig out from dirt.
Then there are people who don’t.
Even if you don’t wake at 5 and live for that burning feeling after a long run and hard workout and even if you hate veggies and live junk- you can make yourself do the routine of the natural “goody goody.”
The goody goody will do it everyday and love life and you won’t love it but you’ll do it. The goody goody will default to that behavior. When they are tired or sick or depressed or unmotivated or stressed they’ll do goody goody things. The lay person will default to lazy the moment their routine or will lower is taxed too far or broken.
Then there are people who don’t.
Even if you don’t wake at 5 and live for that burning feeling after a long run and hard workout and even if you hate veggies and live junk- you can make yourself do the routine of the natural “goody goody.”
The goody goody will do it everyday and love life and you won’t love it but you’ll do it. The goody goody will default to that behavior. When they are tired or sick or depressed or unmotivated or stressed they’ll do goody goody things. The lay person will default to lazy the moment their routine or will lower is taxed too far or broken.
Education is a privilege. At least you have a chance to improve your life 33 comments
· 1 year ago
STILL have no real idea who they are or what they want in life. And those who do will generally then go be that person and do those things and get what they want.
Brining is back to the sad and simple facts from earlier. People who become astronauts generally know they want it and work at it. They have generally made the “right choices” in life and didn’t need much hand holding to get there because the personality of someone who does things like that is such. You are who you are. You can learn to go against your nature and with enough time and repetition it can become second nature- but a lazy person for example is always a lazy person even if will and routine allows them to do more than a lazy person naturally would.
Brining is back to the sad and simple facts from earlier. People who become astronauts generally know they want it and work at it. They have generally made the “right choices” in life and didn’t need much hand holding to get there because the personality of someone who does things like that is such. You are who you are. You can learn to go against your nature and with enough time and repetition it can become second nature- but a lazy person for example is always a lazy person even if will and routine allows them to do more than a lazy person naturally would.
Education is a privilege. At least you have a chance to improve your life 33 comments
· 1 year ago
Because for all we put into dating and mating- the work and effort and such- studies also show you are not likely to be appreciably any happier when you die if you lived single so long as you had hobbies and friends and some other fulfillment of needs. What?! Yeah. So we are terrible at knowing ourselves. Even with the extra emphasis it places on wanting to stay together, roughly half of marriages fail- despite a good 90% involving two people confident enough to vow to be together forever and to tie their legal and financial fates. But fun fact- that 50% stat is general.
It averages out as older people tend to be less likely to divorce and for example, those married young- like in their early 20’s, have a SIXTY percent divorce rate. Because of course. As stated, it’s hard to agree to be together for life or even a few years with someone who isn’t even fully realized as a person. Your marrying someone who will likely not exist in 1-5 years because easily into the 20’s most people
It averages out as older people tend to be less likely to divorce and for example, those married young- like in their early 20’s, have a SIXTY percent divorce rate. Because of course. As stated, it’s hard to agree to be together for life or even a few years with someone who isn’t even fully realized as a person. Your marrying someone who will likely not exist in 1-5 years because easily into the 20’s most people
Education is a privilege. At least you have a chance to improve your life 33 comments
· 1 year ago
And THEN, we add in all the data that shows that we also tend to be happy.. because we decided to. Yeah. Odd but true.
Marriages and relationships generally come down to the fact that as long as the people involved WANT them to work, they will work. That’s what breaks people up and causes divorces more than infidelity or abuse or irresponsibility or thoughtlessness or incompatibility. It’s when two people decide they don’t want to be together. It isn’t worth the work or sacrifice. But what makes one person out of 7 billion worth much work or sacrifice at all? Why stay with a man who had a baby with another woman, stay with a woman who keyed your car or slept with your best friend…?
Why not go find someone new? Why not? Exactly. If you think that way, you’ll likely just do that. You won’t have the stable of term relationship. And what do you lose..?
Marriages and relationships generally come down to the fact that as long as the people involved WANT them to work, they will work. That’s what breaks people up and causes divorces more than infidelity or abuse or irresponsibility or thoughtlessness or incompatibility. It’s when two people decide they don’t want to be together. It isn’t worth the work or sacrifice. But what makes one person out of 7 billion worth much work or sacrifice at all? Why stay with a man who had a baby with another woman, stay with a woman who keyed your car or slept with your best friend…?
Why not go find someone new? Why not? Exactly. If you think that way, you’ll likely just do that. You won’t have the stable of term relationship. And what do you lose..?
Education is a privilege. At least you have a chance to improve your life 33 comments
· 1 year ago
And then… study after study shows… even mature adults are terrible at knowing what we want or reconciling that certain things tend to be mutually exclusive.
From relationships to lifestyle, work, where we live and more- people tend to do terribly on tests comparing what we say we want to what actually makes us happy or the choices we make.
From relationships to lifestyle, work, where we live and more- people tend to do terribly on tests comparing what we say we want to what actually makes us happy or the choices we make.
- stretches
- change of diet
- you’re over weight
- here’s a Z pack
- here’s a referral to a specialist who probably can’t help you, then they will likely refer you too. when you get tired or waiting for appointments (or paying in private healthcare), or die or miraculously get better or get worse enough we can easily tell what it is, problem solved.
Or maybe it’ll never be solved, but I get paid the same either way and as long as it is outside my field probably won’t get sued, so it’s no longer my problem. Next patient.