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Why is everyone running the world old enough for a retirement home 1 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
On the flip side I find it funny (wah wah, not ha ha funny) that 50 and 60 year old skilled professionals are often undesirable hires, especially in tech and business.
Conventional wisdom held they lacked up to date knowledge and skills of fresh grads which these days is increasingly untrue and older employees often know how to.. actually make things work and be reliable often times.
The second main factor was always investment- that companies either didn’t want to hire employees that they had no reasonable expectation of getting many years of service from or whom they would invest time and money to train and then lose.
Many modern workplaces now operate on 1-5 years max service at a single company, especially with employees in their 30’s and younger, and training isn’t what it used to be but that is irrelevant when you have an average turn around of 1-5 years on a hire.
B Like a normal person, right? 3 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
There isn’t really a debate. The pattent for toilet paper shows the way it was intended to be hung. “Overhand.” If you choose to hang it otherwise you are not using it as intended. If that is how you want to live, your bathroom, your rules. You can also bathe in the toilet or use the tub as a bed. Not the way to usr them they were designed with but hey- no one says the inventor decides how you use it.
· Edited 1 year ago
Who won in the end 3 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
“Former Nazi” scientists like Von Braun worked aside Jewish Americans like Abraham Silverstein at NASA to bring the American space program to fruition. Collaborating. Captured Nazis even worked as double agents- Nazis working for the Soviet Union secretly helped America test drugs and other tactics against the Soviets, nazi scientists in America spied on US programs and reported to the Soviets on American findings. Even in places like China and elsewhere nazi scientists often acted for a third or multiple different governments against the interests of their hosts or sometimes played both sides with each knowing!
I’m not saying any of it is ok or what not- it’s just a mess. An obvious mess.
But it isn’t like most anyone is refusing to use or benefit from the many everyday and lifesaving technologies and discoveries that came from that mess so….
We can condemn all we want but our actions sort of show that maybe we aren’t so high and mighty.
Who won in the end 3 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
.. areas despite using Nazi scientists, it is easier for people to overlook it or to think about them as not benefiting from it as much. Maybe. Regardless, the 20th and 21st centuries of science, globally, were built in no small part by Nazi scientists secretly employed by various world governments after the war.
And beyond the obvious moral quandaries it gets complicated.
Who won in the end 3 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
I’ll skip morality talk. Let’s say US asylum of Nazi scientists is at least “problematic” to say the least. By now operation paper clip and the American rush to gather Nazi technology and personnel is well known in pop culture but… rush against what? Yes. The other powers who were taking administrative possession of territory.
The US isn’t the only Nazi safe haven and not the largest. Russia took in nearly double the Nazi scientists the USA did, and the British government took in at least hundreds of not thousands and placed them in government and private firms in the UK.
The US had the most overall success leveraging their use of Nazi scientists based on technical dominance of the 21st century especially in key areas like medicine and flight or space travel, which may be part of why the US gets singled out- both because those successes made history books and added to the global attention on the USA, and also likely because since other countries didn’t do so well in those..
E-cash go brrrr 12 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
It isn’t costcos fault of you have $200 for groceries and you spend it all on a digital camera in the electronics section. It isn’t Amazon’s fault if you overspend. It isn’t even Vegas’s fault if you gamble away your life savings. That’s your money. You and the people in your life need to recognize you have addictions or problems and decide to seek help or let those things potentially control you. It’s your life.
E-cash go brrrr 12 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
So really the moral of the story here is that wether it is steamers or gambling or your church or online shopping or a new app game or trading card game or going to bars or traveling or whatever- have a budget for the things you have fun with or feel provide you leisure or fulfillment or mental health etc. and stick to your budget. If you have $500 a month that you aren’t going to put in savings and doesn’t need to go to bills etc. and that money is for buying your snacks and going out to watch movies or sky dive or to buy car parts or attend concerts or whatever- and you decide you’d most enjoy giving it to streamers- whatever makes you feel good and like it was worth doing what you had to do to get that money. Good on you. But if you have $500 you need to stop at $500.
E-cash go brrrr 12 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Sometimes they will! They’ll straight up tell the person they shouldn’t Do it, that they feel bad, or even ask them several times if they are sure. But- I wouldn’t judge then for not because the fantasy of being a “big man” throwing money around is blown apart pretty easily by someone asking if you can afford it. People don’t usually ask you if you can afford something if you seem like you can afford it.
E-cash go brrrr 12 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
But if a guy is throwing $1000 at you how do you know wether he can easily afford that or it is his rent? At some point he’s an adult right? You just have to say, how he spends money isn’t you to you. Secret- a guy that will give his life savings to a streamer or cam girl or stripper would just as easily give it to a girl he just started dating ir perhaps a stranger in the park, or spend it on something else stupid- because doing that is arguably pretty stupid. These sorts of performers usually need to be sought out. They don’t show up at your door or cold call people until they find a client. You went to them, ostensibly to spend money on their services. So now they are supposed to what? Tell you not to do the thing you came to do? And here’s the thing- and I’ve literally seen this happen-
E-cash go brrrr 12 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
But being real some guys are just bad at it. They are simps. They are suckers. They have unfulfilled desires or fantasies and the right combination of baggage and traits that they will mortgage their house not even to sniff a pretty girl but just to think they might be able to. But how do you know which guy is which? I’ve known men who would spend $1,000 at lunch on a single stripper or spend 5 or 10 thousand dollars in one night at a club. They are just having fun. Being a little wild, throwing money, enjoying the attention of the dancers and maybe being seen by other patrons as big shots, and they had the money to spend. That was their “fun money” and they deceived to do that instead of buy a new toy or take a trip or whatever. Then I know guys who have spent their last $50 or their rent money on women.
E-cash go brrrr 12 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
It is a stereotype that men like Weinstein and those who instigated the final push to “me too” embraced as identity- “what do you expect, I’m a man?” And because of that, women often must live in fear or apprehension that a meeting with the boss or coffee with a colleague could end with them being coerced or cajoled or forced into a compromising position or facing retribution for rejection; and why so many men must live in fear that they might be implicated in wrong doing despite no wrongs because of misunderstanding or simple malice. Men created that situation because we steered right into the “yeah.. I’m a man so of course you know… I see something I want and I can’t help it…” and when I see it propagated it upsets me to no end because unless you have brain damage or something, yes. You can control yourself.
E-cash go brrrr 12 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
It feeds the “she was asking for with how she was dressed” or “it isn’t my fault, I couldn’t control myself..” that have often been used in history to allow men to get off or get sympathetic treatment for misdeeds and indiscretions. It is the backbone of the fear and anxiety men women live with and the annoyance at the manifestation of that in social issues that many men opine.
The social concept that a man is, at least in sex, little more than a violent animal who may take what he wants or push himself on you or react wildly if rejected and that is expected as one of the likely outcomes when around men. That if this man finds you attractive, he will likely behave unpredictably and possibly dangerously and aggressively because he just can’t control himself.
E-cash go brrrr 12 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
But really what is any worse about calming than stripping and what is worse about stripping than giving a massage?
Why can someone charge $100 or more an hour to listen to your problems in business casual but not in a bikini? Why is it if someone wants to spend their money on a car or trotting the globe we don’t go after those jezebels at Mercedes or the travel agency or chamber of commerce for preying on people? It’s a bit daffy and the defense that men are weak to sex is laughable in how badly it paints men. Offense to men like me even.
The idea that men cannot control ourselves and our urges is both an insult to our higher reasoning and ability to function as well as an insult to all those people who might find themselves victims of predatory or overly aggressive men. A Classic weapon, especially against women.
E-cash go brrrr 12 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
And that’s fine. Or one is as fine as any other. Paying for a friend isn’t usually seen as aspirational but lots of people do it in lots of ways. People pay for dates to events, we start getting extra weird when sex and romance get involved. It’s often “sad” or “pathetic” or even illegal to pay for sex. Vibrators and dildos are common and lord knows probably most men masturbate when they are without sex to their threshold and use any number of things from hands to toys to home made contraptions like the fifi or liver box etc. we can pay people to make and sell objects for sex and we can pay people to put on a show and watch but- societies often draw hard likes at paying for sex and even up to that point shows and toys and things that deal in fantasies and gratification often carry stigmas and prohibitions.
E-cash go brrrr 12 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Their job usually involves not breaking those fantasies because that… is why you’re there usually.
So not all female entertainers sell such fantasy, but let’s not mince words, most people are aware when someone is trading in flirtations and teases and sexuality and such. I am not condemning anyone who does. It’s valid work- obviously it is in demand, and people pay for all sorts of services out of want or need or convenience that they cannot do themselves or cannot get in their lives another way that works for them. Massages for example, a therapist is often a confidant and advisor and someone to vent to or bounce ideas off of, you may have someone else shave or wax you, you might hire a ride somewhere or pay movers or someone to care for your children and play and teach them, you may even pay for sperm or eggs or someone to carry a child, any number of things.
· Edited 1 year ago
E-cash go brrrr 12 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
You make a living selling fantasy, that is what your customers buy. The fantasy that they could talk to someone like you or that someone like you notices and pays attention or understands them, a fantasy they’ve concocted where you are perfect for each other, whatever. And let’s be clear- that is what it almost always is. As little as these sorts of personalities often may know about any random fan, the fans tend to know less about them. Who they really are, what they really like, where they live or went to school, names of friends and family, blah blah. So if you’re picturing some life with someone you don’t actually know based on whatever truth or mask you do know… that’s not even remotely realistic. You’ve created an image- a fantasy that you can project onto that person of your idea of who they are, the person you want or is “perfect.”
E-cash go brrrr 12 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
In fairness the women often know little to nothing of the men. The men may have told them things, but the sorts of women who can have a man donate their life savings just by speaking usually has heard many things from men that aren’t true. I’m rich, I’m poor, I’m married, I’m not- these sorts of things are usually paying for fantasy.
The reasonable person assumes one doesn’t give money they can’t afford to spend for entertainment. Now, of course many people can be addicted to entertainment, have poor impulse control or allow their fantasy inner world to project onto reality. It’s sad but- put yourself in those shoes.
Come to Canada we have poutine 10 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
.. harmoniously co exist.
In these food examples, america didn’t “steal” anything- you can’t steal what the america people or what fiends and associates give freely. Various immigrants bring their cultures and share them with others in America.
Come to Canada we have poutine 10 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
But of course that doesn’t mean other inventors around the globe didn’t discover the same or alternate processes over time, and food has often been an iterative international process, though in this day and age with food science it often is a direct collaborative effort of international participants.
Also we can’t forget when we talk about the “USA” as a singular culture we are talking about largely a country of immigrants and various distinct indigenous peoples.
The USA is different than many other nations in this way because it is not simply a new country made in majority of the same peoples of one region or by combining peoples of a region, it has not had thousands of years to form history and distinct culture. It is the “melding pot,” a young nation of only a couple hundred years who can have more and less dominant or represented groups on average but is an amalgamation of traditions and cultural elements and the concessions and interactions of so many groups trying to…
Come to Canada we have poutine 10 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
So if mac and cheese are British and British Americans kept the recipe… how can you steal your own recipe…?
That said- the modern concept of Mac and cheese often associated with America- the “instant” type and “boxed macaroni” ARE American in origin. The first recorded instances of the product and where it became popular were in the Great Depression in St. Louis USA by an American salesman. Actual cheese powder was also invented in America by a U.S. government dairy scientist.
Come to Canada we have poutine 10 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Many sources will say that the earliest record of what could be considered modern mac and cheese comes from a British cook book. I will not debate that fact but I will point out that putting a recipe in a cook book doesn’t mean you made it. There are cookbooks around the world with Sushi in them but Sushi is a Japanese dish* so just because a person in Spain changes some ingredients or writes it down in a book doesn’t make sushi of Spanish origins does it?
Regardless, even IF we attribute max and cheese to the Brits and ignore that by default the macaroni would have been “stollen” from Italy, the USA was originally… British colonies… full of lots of… British people.
Come to Canada we have poutine 10 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Macaroni and cheese: really? Really? England? Yes. Because England is who the world thinks of when it thinks pasta.
Bad news. The first recorded instance of a butter and cheese pasta is a 14th century Italian chef. What’s more, we know Americans didn’t invent max and cheese, there is a myth Jefferson introduced it to America- but no.
Jefferson bought a macaroni pasta making machine and studied making macaroni pasta- from Italy.
First hand accounts from Jefferson’s dinner guests include writings that contrary to the idea he popularized the dish, many found his Mac and cheese inelegant and to strong in flavor. Mac and cheese were known dishes and these same accounts, others, and recipes of the time indicate it was strongly associated with or believed to be of origin from Italy.
Come to Canada we have poutine 10 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
That’s sort of the thing with food- you think no one ever had the idea that certain foods go together or just had X ingredients and wanted to make something to eat that wasn’t disgusting?
That’s why tracing origins of food can be difficult in large part. It is less accurate usually to say “invented” or “created first” than to say “popularized.” Foods made with ingredients found readily in the environment often exist and are known to many for long periods of history. At some point someone probably made a dish or something similar but who made it known? Who is it associated with? Etc.
Come to Canada we have poutine 10 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Hot dogs as we know them are also generally believed to be an American origin product. Sausage has existed across cultures for thousands of years. Long before america existed. Of course so have flat breads but a taco, pita, naan, fry bread, matzo etc. are each distinct.
It is believed that the combination of the sausage and bun in a manner we call a “hotdog” originates in the USA, and a “hot dog” is a type of sausage but is distinct from sausage in its composition and flavor and preparation etc. you wouldn’t likely serve a hot dog as a breakfast sausage or go to a German eatery and order a Bavarian sausage and get a ballpark Frank made in the Bavarian plant no?
Of course at some point in time someone, somewhere, likely put a sausage in some bread.
Come to Canada we have poutine 10 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
There is actually a lot of debate as to the origins here. Hamburg was known for beef and sailors,
But many claim that Americans who immigrated from Germany actually created the hamburger by taking a local dish or idea (like ground meat patty) and turning it into a sandwich prepared in a way we would recognize as a hamburger.
So the hamburger MAY be an American invention, but regardless it is not strictly a german invention because by most accounts Germans got the concept of ground meat patties from Tartar that they encountered trading in the Balkans.
Meaning the origin of the “quintessentially Americana” Hamburg might actually be Russia.