Every f**king time! 2 comments
· 6 years ago
I wish I got a prize for not littering.
100% dodge chance 3 comments
When you find out your boss is INSANE 19 comments
· 6 years ago
Yeah that's not Savage, that's called being an awful human being and boss. If this is real, I hope she gets punched in the coot.
Knock on the door a few times to make sure 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Fun story. I once really had to pee. It was a single person bathroom at a Dunkin' Donuts. I get in there, and the lock for the door is broken. I almost didn't want to use it but I really had to go, so I thought to myself, I'll be quick, it'll be fine. Never. It's never just fine. Well as I'm standing there peeing, this guy with a kid not only doesn't knock, but opens the door, sees me standing there (at this point I stop peeing and I'm trying to cover up my junk) and apologizes. However, instead of instantly closing the door like a normal human being that has any sense of respect for other human beings, he proceeds to walk in, as I continue to shield my junk, and walks over to the sink to grab some paper towels and then leaves. There is no excuse for this, and if you so desperately need paper towels, ask at the damned counter. Thank you!
Context matters 10 comments
I can't literally stand it anymore. 3 comments
I'm guessing he is male 4 comments
Illegal to twerk 8 comments
· 7 years ago
The male equivalent of "Beyoncé" ? They couldn't decide on Dante or Deon? I'm not really sure. It says "DeYonté Hunter" so maybe that's not his name and he just hunts for DeYontés.
Spoopy 4 comments
· 7 years ago
My head is telling me that for many versions of the character, he is able to turn into a bat and fly, not needing a jetpack. However, my heart is telling me that nobody should ever turn down a jetpack, so I'm in conflict.
Medic needed... One man down 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Well if I'm being honest, not knowing this person, and basing my impression off this one specific interaction, she sounds like a self-centered jerk. I believe in tact. There are many ways to politely and firmly decline someone's advances. There are also ways to decline someone's advances firmly without being polite while also not attacking the person. She failed to find those ways or most likely didn't bother. If what she said wasn't considered out of the normal realm for rejection, it probably wouldn't have been posted. A lot of people hide behind the guise of honesty when in reality they're just being sh*tty, and do not care about how they affect others.
Medic needed... One man down 9 comments
SpankTank! 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I think there might be a word missing there, because a parent who finds their child "screwing household things," might consider finding a therapist instead of those other two options.
Edited 7 years ago
His girlfriend ladies and gentlemen 8 comments
It's torment 3 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm gonna take a hit here, but I prefer the whole grain Cheerios over honey nut, and always have, even as a kid.
Name some useless inventions? 6 comments
· 7 years ago
My dad had this model and this exact case. I decided it was important enough to tell everyone. I live dangerously.
The tunnel 10 comments
· 7 years ago
I think that person might be the old man from the story, because while I can't say that I would completely agree with how the situation was handled, that customer deserved to be dropped kicked off a building. His behavior was unacceptable, and nobody should ever allow a person to continue such behavior regardless of "customer service."
Save lives by killing! 19 comments
Oh thank goodness 4 comments
Oh thank goodness 4 comments
· 7 years ago
I have an issue where occasionally the things that pop into my head, immediately exit through my mouth before I can stop it.