It's wunderbar 6 comments
· 6 years ago
everybody watch the music video for Mann Gegen Mann, it'll change your life
Vice is ****ing dead 20 comments
I’m going to take charge of my life 5 comments
· 6 years ago
It creates friction between the cue and the ball to prevent it from sliding off the ball, it makes it harder to miscue. I've also seen people just use strips of sandpaper to lightly scratch up the cue.
EA is the horses ass 4 comments
EA is the horses ass 4 comments
Can't just fly away 7 comments
It's from another dimension 5 comments
· 6 years ago
they try to protect her privacy by covering her last name on facebook but she says the last name in the post
Snuggle? (Prefer it over cuddle tbh) tag your babe 136 comments
· 6 years ago
yes but I mainly lurk in the shadows and wait for someone to mention the other grim and act like it was aimed at me cause I find it funny
Snuggle? (Prefer it over cuddle tbh) tag your babe 136 comments
Relatable much?? 4 comments
· 6 years ago
It's a little different from place to place, at least in Minnesota they're trying to push chip cards to everyone and do without swiping so sometimes you have to insert the card and put in your PIN and sign or sometimes the place doesn't accept chips so you have to swipe your card, but there are other places that you just hand the card to the cashier like you said and they'll swipe it for you and you just have to sign the receipt or on a touchscreen pad unless its a small transaction, then you don't have to sign
Surge review 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Y'all'll have to drag me out of the corner store kicking and screaming if they ever discontinue Surge again, this is my childhood right here
Family life 29 comments
Engineering student please explain 10 comments
· 7 years ago
cause if it just went straight then you wouldn't get to do a sick ass loopty loop
I'd read the f*ck out of that book, too 3 comments
All hail the queen!! 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Attention, I'd like to say that this weirded me out to read. Thank you for your attention