Be careful what you wish for because it probably won't come true and life is all about expectation management.
— gloriouslypurposed Report User
Spot the difference 4 comments
· 5 years ago
never saw the original, I'll have to take your word on it
Spot the difference 4 comments
· 5 years ago
woman screaming at cat vs. politician explaining something obvious to an idiot
I got demons within me 4 comments
Have a Safe and happy 4th of July this week! 10 comments
· 5 years ago
why would anyone respect some asshole kid that spews hate and ignorance wherever he comments with his garbage views?
Have a Safe and happy 4th of July this week! 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Look, it's the little wanna-be soldier. I bet your stuffed toys are mighty afraid of you.
Tick Tock 23 comments
· 5 years ago
famousone is either a dumb troll or just dumb. Facts don't get you anywhere with this guy, he's mentally not able to grasp basic facts
Poor gingers 8 comments
· 5 years ago
I don't see the problem. We do it the other way around all the time.
Can't blame him 4 comments
Yep, nothing at all 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Azor Ahai was a legendary hero who wielded a burning sword called Lightbringer, according to tales from Asshai and followers of R'hllor (the red god). He has other names in other cultures and religions. According to prophecy, in ancient books of Asshai from over five thousand years ago, Azor Ahai is to be reborn again as a champion sent by R'hllor.
This will occur after a long summer when an evil, cold darkness descends upon the world. It is said that wielding Lightbringer (a lengendary flaming sword he drove in the chest of his wife (with her permission) combining her soul with the steel) once again, Azor Ahai will stand against the darkness and if he fails, the world fails with him.
(awoiaf (.) westeros (.) org)
But all of this awesome lore went to shit, thanks to two douchebags.
This will occur after a long summer when an evil, cold darkness descends upon the world. It is said that wielding Lightbringer (a lengendary flaming sword he drove in the chest of his wife (with her permission) combining her soul with the steel) once again, Azor Ahai will stand against the darkness and if he fails, the world fails with him.
(awoiaf (.) westeros (.) org)
But all of this awesome lore went to shit, thanks to two douchebags.
I don’t always post memes 4 comments
Yep, nothing at all 7 comments
Those Welsh people 2 comments
Ant man 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Weeeell, Antman wasn't there, so it wasn't really anything he did or represented that helped him survive. Also, no one can convince me that Loki is really dead, that little shit is merrily traipsing around the universe causing havoc. Just because the mad titan says "no more resurrection" doesn't mean there won't be trickery and resurrection. Thanos was way to much into himself. And in the end Scarlet Witch and Strange were alive, so... looking back, MCU Thanos wasn't really all that.
Back when doctor who wasnt sjw garbage every 12 seconds 10 comments
· 5 years ago
I almost upvoted this post, then I saw the title, so here, have a downvote and fy